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Відповіді на запитання

Відповіді на запитання по способам оплати та звітності

Зібрано 1 364 741 грн
Залишилось зібрати 0 грн
Витрачено 1 364 741 грн
Залишок коштів 0 грн
1 364 741 грн
Спонсорська допомога (оплата постачальникам напряму)
24/10/144000 UAHSponsorship from Kherson shipbuilding liceum
17/10/141000 UAHDovgosheya Ruslan Ivanovych
30/09/1467000 UAHSponsorship
08/09/1451420 UAHSponsorship
04/09/1438190 UAHSponsorship
03/09/147168 UAHSponsorship
03/09/1483000 UAHSponsorship
03/09/1447446 UAHSponsorship
02/09/1411000 UAHSponsorship
20/08/1412000 UAHSponsorship
13/08/1410 500 UAHSponsorship
13/08/146 200 UAHSponsorship
12/08/145 000  UAHSponsorship
08/08/145000 UAHPishak Dmytro Mykhailovych
Разом: 348 924 грн
Негрошові надходження
ДатаНайменуванняК-тьГривневий еквівалентКоментар
03/11/14Appliances and materials2723.23 UAHSMU-8
03/11/14Welding materials, kg1505151.85 UAHSMU-8
03/11/14Welding materials, kg50880 UAHD. S. Ivanov
03/11/14Abrasive materials1152851.94 UAHO. S. Ivanov
03/11/14Abrasive materials464.50 UAHO. S. Ivanov
02/11/14Tool sets133069.56 UAHSMU-8
02/11/14Appliances and materials24200 UAHO. S. Ivanov
01/11/14Tools and equipment1577348 UAHO. S. Ivanov
31/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-8019970 UAHM. V. Doskoch
30/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-7019970 UAHM. V. Doskoch
29/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-8019910 UAHMPP "Metalica"
29/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-60111200 UAHD.G. Merkulov
29/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-80219820 UAHD.G. Merkulov
28/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC19905 UAHD. Tverdohlebov
27/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-80549525 UAHA. S. Ivanov
24/10/14anti-cumulative shield (set)219800 UAHA. V. Dagabian
24/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-801070000 UAHA. S. Ivanov
24/10/14anti-cumulative shield for CRPV430160 UAHS. A. Varenko
24/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-80219838 UAHS. A. Varenko
24/10/14anti-cumulative shield for APC-7019970 UAHA. S. Ivanov
Разом: 364 757 грн
Розрахунковий рахунок
31/07/1416:22100 UAH
31/07/1416:02500 UAH
31/07/1415:58100 UAH ******8030
Разом (з урахуванням сплати комісії*): 651 060.00 грн
Комісія за платежі через LiqPay для власників карт Visa та MasterCard усіх українських банків становить 0%.
* Конвертація валюти відбувається автоматично на момент проведення операції.

Завантажуємо нові данні. Будь-ласка, зачекайте...

Не вдалося завантажити нові дані. Спробуйте ще раз пізніше.

Сервер повернув пусту відповідь.

1 364 741 грн
Поточні витрати по проекту
27/07/2016Internal transfer1 1 000.00transferred to Rapid Response
15/09/2015Welding supplies-- 3 609.97paid
15/09/2015Welding supplies-- 1 135.86paid
15/09/2015Enamel63,4 1 500.24transferred to military unit А2062
23/07/2015Repair and restoration work of Ural-3751 29 834.68delivered to military unit А 0224
11/12/2014Internal transfer1 49 608.20transferred to People’s Armor 2
21/11/2014Inter-project funds transfer 1 36 000.00transferred to People’s armor 2
05/11/2014Internal transfer1 4 330.00transferred to First People’s Drones
04/11/2014Armored plate14 15 960.00Delivered to the SOC "Alfa"
03/11/2014Metal and supplies-- 254 117.50delivered to military unit B4067
02/11/2014The funds transferred directly to the production site for the purchase of equipment and supplies used for work within the projects People's Armor and People’s Armor 2.-- 177 469.00paid
30/10/2014Metal angle 50х50х5, t (paid with funds donated directly to producers )5 27 000.00paid
30/10/2014Metal strip 4Х40, t (paid with funds donated directly to producers )12 64 800.00paid
30/10/2014Welding accessories: gloves, holders, masks, cable, etc. (paid with funds donated directly to producers )-- 2 000.00paid
27/10/2014Materials for production of spaced armour for APC-704 24 193.57delivered to military unit B2137
27/10/2014Metal and supplies-- 3 683.43delivered to military unit A2777
27/10/2014Metal and supplies-- 5 077.29delivered to military unit B4067
27/10/2014Materials for production of spaced armour for APC-601 8 683.25delivered to military unit А4067
27/10/2014Materials for production of spaced armour for APC-702 11 595.45delivered to military unit A4067
27/10/2014Spaced armour for APC-801 9 910.00delivered to military unit A2777
27/10/2014Spaced armour for APC-601 11 200.00delivered to military unit A4067
27/10/2014Spaced armour for APC-802 19 820.00delivered to military unit A4067
27/10/2014Welding works at 79th DABB-- 3 000.00Welding works at 79th DABB
16/10/2014Materials and mounting elements for spaced armor1 1 567.24delivered to military unit A2802
16/10/2014Materials and mounting elements for spaced armor1 5 163.41delivered to military unit A2277
16/10/2014Spaced armor for BTR1 9 905.00delivered to military unit A2802
16/10/2014Spaced armor for BTR-80 5 49 525.00delivered to military unit A2277
16/10/2014Spaced armor for BTR-70 1 9 970.00delivered to military unit A2277
16/10/2014Spaced armor for BTR-80 2 19 838.00delivered to military unit A0139
16/10/2014Spaced armor for BRDM4 30 160.00delivered to military unit A0139
16/10/2014Spaced armor and mounting elements for BTR-80 10 74 200.00delivered to military unit A0224
16/10/2014Spaced armor2 19 800.00delivered to military unit A0139
11/10/2014The tools for maintenance and service station lorry many 17 451.95delivered to the "Phoenix" battalion of the 79th DABB
26/09/2014Internal transfer1 55 000.00transferred to Navy SEALs
04/09/2014Instruments and supplies for spaced armor-- 62 302.32delivered to military unit 0224
04/09/2014Metal for spaced armor-- 189 579.33delivered to military unit 0224
21/08/2014Electrodes 13/55, 3mm, kg100 1 760.00delivered to military unit A0224
21/08/2014Abrasive wheel50 830.00delivered to military unit A0224
21/08/2014Metal angle, 50x50x5, tones1.2 12 276.00delivered to military unit A0224
21/08/2014Armature 40x40 mm, tones0.096 1 099.13delivered to military unit A0224
15/08/2014Materials for production of spaces armor 1 25 333.72delivered to military unit A0224
15/08/2014Sledgehammer 2 kg, Budmonster5 270.00delivered to military unit A0224
15/08/2014Socket wrench set1 1 299.00delivered to military unit A0224
15/08/2014Sledgehammer 4 kg, Budmonster5 400.00delivered to military unit A0224
13/08/2014Delivery1 150.00paid
06/08/2014Shields delivery (Nova Poshta - producer)1 150.00Paid
06/08/2014Shields delivery, 54 sets, tones1 2 220.00Paid
05/08/2014Delivery1 250.00paid
05/08/2014Material used for production of spaced armor for BTR-60 1 8 712.84delivered to military unit B2137
Разом: 1 364 741.38 грн