For some time we have written sincere but somewhat impersonal reports calling for help on behalf of The People’s Project. This time it has affected us personally and profoundly. That is why we would like to tell you some very personal things, and very private – and, just personally – ask each of you to help. Believe me – it really is very important when you are touched personally.
Yesterday the grandfather of one of our colleagues was urgently taken by ambulance to a metropolitan hospital. Before this he had turned to doctors at the hospital in his village five times. They just shrugged – X-rays appeared fine, go home and recover, and so on it went. X-rays, taken later in Kyiv showed pneumonia with severe complications – for a month this could not be seen on the obsolete X-ray machine in his village.
Kyiv Emergency Hospital.
Reviews about this place are diametrically-opposed
However, even in the capital, metropolitan medicine also is not omnipotent. Last summer, a close friend was affected by a stroke. She sought treatment in Kyiv. Almost daily local doctors shrugged: is it poisoning or something else? No lesions on the brain were visible. Within minutes of the woman coming close to death, she was miraculously rescued after being examined in a medical school – a massive rupture of an aneurysm, which was not detected on an outdated scanner, the time she may have had left before an emergency operation could have been mere minutes.
Reception at the intensive care unit boasts a specialized medical institution with world-class skills
The new team at the MOH deserve praise, but you can rightly place blame at their doorstep also. The large-scale projects to reform healthcare, they offer look really great. If all these initiatives are successfully implemented, the chances of Ukrainian patients receive quality medical care actually increase. And all these reforms are closely related to the size of the state budget, and it will not increase at the same time for only one request from medical authorities.
High-tech in the service of medicine. Some of the relatives of patients grimly joke: patients are surviving in spite of, not because of the conditions. There only chance is at the hands of local doctors
Obsolete equipment and emergency hospitals for many years have become one of the worst problems of Ukrainian medicine. X-ray machines that still recall Marie Curie, which are not even available anywhere they are essential; Surgical instruments that need to be replaced; prehistoric operating tables, crumbling to pieces; surgical lamps that burn or provide blindly flashing light.
What patients do between 15:00 and 16:00 is a great mystery. We are sure the sign was erected by Lenin’s peers
We will make it clear: here, in these metropolitan, regional and rural hospitals they do not treat the elite, not officials, not MPs. You treat us, our elderly grandparents, parents The one grumpy neighbor, who glares at you from the entrance, the grandfather counting every kopek in the store. They treat all those people who are unlikely to have money to be treated abroad or in private clinics. That is why doctors give their all to help these people to survive in hospital selflessly.
Surgical third operating unit in Cherkasy City Emergency Hospital.
This was modern equipment 40 years ago. And people are still being rescued from death with it
While the government is engaged in bureaucracy, even a few hryvnia towards the project O.R. Upgrade – has the potential to be of considerable help to ordinary people. To begin with, at the Cherkasy Emergency Hospital it will help surgeons there with new operating tables and surgical lamps – they are working there on the smell of an oily rag, winging it daily, then we will see – maybe we can help somewhere else, and can finally push the state to act. So go, feel free to give a few hryvnia. Together we may really save the lives of many good people.