You can go out in the vast field, make sure you’re alone there, and shout out loud: “Garrett! Ace!”. Positively, in a minute you will have all local archaeologists, both illicit and legal ones, gathered near you. This is easily explainable, as even the simplest “Aces” from Garret’s lineup of metal detectors are extremely powerful and handy in finding metal hidden underground. They are able of distinct differentiating by type, size of an object and class of metal; potent filters protecting from parasite leads and signals. Aces with capacious coil are undoubtedly the top ones among professional models. But we decided to go even one step further: People’s Project has purchased one of the best modifications in the lineup. These cost rather a lot, and usually it takes much effort and money to buy them for personal use. But thanks to your support we managed to buy the gear quite fast: this purchase has been made within the Rapid Response initiative for a specialized unit of sappers serving in the forefront.
What are these sappers’ tasks? First, they look for and neutralize explosives and other dangerous objects within the frontline and at the adjoining territories. Everyone would agree that de-mining procedures that ensure security for both military and civilians living in the war zone, is a task of the highest priority. Second, the same unit is going to provide personal control at the contact line. Monitoring of transport, security checks at the check points are also important: these are meant to detect possible bandits among the civilians who has to pass the temporary border with terroristic state formations. By the way, we bought personal detectors for external check-ups for this very purpose. These hi-end devices produced by the same manufacturer, Garrett, and are similar to those used in airports for security screening. Currently, it is one of the best options in the market.
Other equipment our sappers need in their daily work, include gear for vehicle examination, for disarmament of explosives responding to metal including sappers’ metal instruments; for their canine center, – all this equipment we still need to purchase additionally to satisfy the sappers’ needs in full. Shortly, we are going to additionally buy a special dog training suit (that one you could see in some movie), certain gear for search dogs; non-magnetic instruments, a few items of communication equipment and some consumables. All this will be bought at the expense of your donations as well as contributions made by individual benefactors. That’s why we ask for your assistance once again. First, the war is on and terrorists keep attacking us; second, the enemy has continuously been sending more and more their mercenaries and saboteur groups onto our land. Third, works on de-mining territories will remain absolutely necessary for many years after the war ended and Donbas liberated: detecting and disarming all the deadly stuff Russians planted into our soil, will take us decades on. So, dear friends, please join in and participate in the project. Together, we are doing the deeds that are essential!