We told you! It happened just in a way we said: a sniper got the weather station’s readings, measured the distance using his laser range-finder, calculated all necessary corrections and put a bullet exactly in the spot it had to hit.
The equipment mentioned above was the gear People’s Project lately sent to the Marines under Vadym Sukharevskyi command. We are really happy to see that just in a few days the devices got into appropriate hands: the Marines’ snipers are actively working in the sector where the need for such gear is vital.
The snipers sent us a few eloquent photos in return, and expressed their sincere gratitude for you, as all this equipment People’s Project’s volunteers bought exceptionally for your donations accumulated within the Mariupol Defenders initiative. The war is still on, and the Marines have advanced to new positions recently, so we, the volunteers, are going to proceed with active support of our defenders with all required stuff, and we are urging you to join in the process, dear friends!