With the coming of the war, all who follow developments at the front have gained a much better understanding of the geography of Eastern Ukraine. Almost daily Pisky, Vodyane, Zoloty and many other cities, towns and villages that were previously unknown to the majority are cited in the media. Unfortunately, the reasons for the heightened profile is not pleasant. Over time, with shifting action at the front line, the media finds more “popular” cities. The three hottest points in the ATO zone currently are Shyrokyne, Zaitseve and Avdiivka. From the last comes the terrible news about the loss of Ukrainian military personnel. It is clear above all, units located in these areas are most in need of assistance from The People’s Project initiative Rapid Response.
The combat units of the 39th Separate Mechanized Infantry Battalion are deployed on the front line in Avdiivka. The line the guys are holding is very close to that of the terrorists. Every day they have to defend themselves and attempt to prevent attacks from the enemy. In this situation, the ability to see at night is an absolute necessity.
So a few weeks ago we purchased and delivered to the 39th Battalion in Avdiyivka two Pulsar Quantum XD 50S thermal imagers. We recently received photos of the guys with the gear at the front and feature them in this report. The military tell us the imagers are used every night – without them their work to hold their position would be difficult. In general, all the technology we pass on the military are not toys – they really do save lives.
Now the situation in Avdiivka is very hot. Ukraine is losing its brave defenders under fire from the invaders. Of course, war always brings with it losses, but we must try to avoid them. We try to respond quickly to the most urgent needs of the military. Unfortunately, it often does not depend on our desire to help. However, we do our best and our fearless volunteers go into the most dangerous areas coming under fire to deliver equipment. Of course, all this is not possible without your support. Please support the Rapid Response project by clicking the button below.