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Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded

To treat in a new way: Ukrainian medics are preparing to radical innovations

How to report on an important scientific event for the reader not to fall asleep at the very first sentence? We might try to stick to typical formal style, like: the elite of science, met and communicated, a grey-haired academician announced, a bold professor reported, everybody had a little nap and finally time they left home. We are sure that our reader will be yawning by that time as well. Sill we aim to tell you about an outstanding event, so we will choose a different way. Let us start at the very beginning.

A unique volunteer project titled the «Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded» has been working in Ukraine for the fourth year in a row. People’s Project‘s volunteers raise funds, and the scientists and medics of the ilaya clinic treat the soldiers wounded during the ATO and abandoned by conventional medicine due to exceptional complicatedness of their injuries. It is all about deformed legs and maimed arms, destroyed joints and difficult fractures that refuse to fuse up, along with infected injuries which keep bleeding for years. The reality is, the Project involves application of innovative technologies which are inaccessible in state hospitals: the scientists of the Project grow up new bones for the wounded to implant them into the injured areas, treating the wounds fast and effectively thanks to saturation of injured zones with concentrate of stem cells taken from the wounded patients and previously cultivated in their labs. Such method stimulates active restoration of tissues, and thanks to the usage of the patient’s own cells without application of any foreign materials, the most complicated injuries are getting healed fast and result in absence of any short-time or prolonged complications.

This is young Oleh. He nearly escaped death and recuperated, and the Biotech’s cell technologies allowed to regrow his destroyed arm and leg anew

Yes, the results of this innovative treatment technologies may seem rather striking. Still the practice of their application testifies: in Ukraine alone, the Biotech’s doctors have saved about a hundred of heavily wounded patients who, according to the verdict pronounced by the state medics, had to remain disabled and doomed to their prostheses and wheelchairs, for their lifetime. Lately, these technologies have been actively studied and applied in leading clinics throughout the world. For example, at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center where American veterans and even former presidents are being treated, the doctors widely apply methods of cell technology of tissue restoration. Athletes are being rehabilitated using cell technology as well: the number of patients who recuperated within an American medical project providing treatment with application of cell technology, has amounted to over 50,000 people. But there is a problem in Ukraine as regards this innovative technology: The Ministry of Health’s high officials treat it like some incomprehensible frightening phenomenon, which results in open disapproval and aversion, despite the colossal capabilities these methods enclose. A weird attitude, especially given the country is at war!


Luckily, the situation is getting improved little by little: there are enough smart doctors among the Ukrainian medics, who are interested in the latest innovations of medical sciences as well as of the ways of their implementation into Ukraine’s medical reality. And the pioneers of cell technologies in Ukraine, the leading practitioners at the «Bioengineering Rehabilitation of Wounded» project, are glad to share their experience with colleagues.


Here is Volodymyr Fedorovych Hrytsyk, a neurologist who is actively applying the latest cell technologies within the Project

As a part of two scientific conferences, the doctors of the Project initiated the audience made up of scientists and doctors, into the cell technology details. The biologists dwelt on the specifics of cells’ development and cultivation, while the clinicians informed the audience about the details of proper application of cellular biological materials in practical treatment.


And here is Volodymyr Mykhaylovych Oksymets: he just takes a newly grown bone and inserts it in a proper area, then as if by magic, a leg or an arm looks like a brand new one! These photos are of Oleh‘s limb, however Ihor‘s case is quite remarkable as well. Please read the guys’ stories

They have discussed another project, too: it was a shared project initiated by People’s Project, the ilaya clinic, the Bohomolets National Medical University and the Kyiv Burn Center. Today the «Skin Bank» project is successfully restoring patients with severest burns using cell technology. What seems especially encouraging, the state Institute of Genetic and Regenerative Medicine of National Academy of Medical Sciences has stepped out as an organizer of both events, the mini-symposium and the conference. This means conventional medicine gets more and more interested in new technologies which are being gradually permeated into Ukraine’s scientific environment!


We used to meet young students of medicine who, having heard of cell technologies, got exceptionally inspired. We heard with our own ears how in most complicated cases Ukraine’s highest medical professionals recommended their patients to apply to the Biotech for cell technologies treatment. We know how vigorously the executives of corresponding medical institutions discuss the newest scientific opportunities in private. And we are sure that a thin spring of understanding will finally wash away the dam erected by bureaucracy, medical Luddites and ignoramuses who are impeding the whole of Ukrainian science. It would be nice if we had time as too many patients are in need of such assistance right now, and while the struggle is going on, they may lose their only chance!

Meanwhile, each of us can be of help in this situation: so far as the scientists are fighting against the bureaucratic machine for implementation of the new technologies, we, the organizers of the Project, are pursuing our minor practical purpose: we treat wounded fighters. Of course, we need money for this: the state refuses to sponsor treatment of these wounded soldiers as it had irrevocably abandoned them. That is why we are able to save the injured fighters at the expense of your donations solely. Your contributions into the «Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded» project can assist us in restoring a few more guys. Eventually, we can bring them back to normal human life. And let them forget their possible life-time maim, instead of which they will be able to walk on their own two legs and embrace their kids with their living arms. It seems worth of it, right?

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Founds raised Treatment continues

Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded

Regeneration of bone and tissue loss, sustained through mechanical or gunshot wounds through application of ilaya.regeneration stem cell technology

30 520 391 UAH (739 454 USD) needed
100% raised
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Миколаївський обласний благодійний фонд “РЕГІОНАЛЬНИЙ ФОНД БЛАГОЧЕСТЯ”
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Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Regional Foundation Blagochestya”
IBANcode: UA583052990000026007011702069
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
Beneficiary bank: Privatbank
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Swift code: PBANUA2X

Intermediary bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank,New York ,USA
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Intermediary bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Swift code: IRVT US 3N
Correspondent account: 890-0085-754
Description: Charitable donation for ‘’ project
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Regional Foundation Blagochestya”
IBANcode: UA703052990000026002041702959
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
Beneficiary bank: Privatbank
50, Naberezhna Peremogy Street, Dnipropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X

Intermediary bank: Commerzbank AG ,Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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Description: Charitable donation for ‘’ project
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation "Regional Foundation Blagochestya"
IBAN Code: UA363052990000026006001705679
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
CORRESPONDENT BANK: Bank Pekao/Grupa Pekao S.A., Warsaw, Poland
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Description: Charitable donation for "" project.
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Regional Foundation Blagochestya”
IBANcode: UA583052990000026007011702069
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
Beneficiary bank: Privatbank
50, Naberezhna Peremogy Street, Dnipropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X

Intermediary bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank,New York ,USA
Swift code: CHASUS33
Correspondent account: 001-1-000080
Description: Charitable donation for ‘’ project
Intermediary bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Swift code: IRVT US 3N
Correspondent account: 890-0085-754
Description: Charitable donation for ‘’ project

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