We often receive various photos and videos from the front line. Some of them can not be published because of the military secret and a common sense. And this video we can and will publish, because it shows how people’s support helps Ukrainian soldiers in their difficult tasks.
This is the PS (platoon stronghold) Derzkiy of the terrorists near the Kominternove. The group of the Ukrainian marines are watching the russian enemy from a distance of 250 meters. The marines attached to the video short but precise message for the volunteers of The People’s Project :
“Guys, we want to thank you for everything you send to us. In this video, we are using your binoculars to quietly observe the PS of the enemy.
Please publish this video. Let the enemy know that we have enough power to protect the Ukraine.
Thanks to you guys for all your help, and thanks to all the people for their support.
We will not fail.”
The legendary commander of the marines Vadym Suharevskiy
We have no doubt in the power of the marines, even a little bit. We are preparing the next batch of the aid. This time it would be several useful and pleasant appliances. We already purchased a telescope.
We tested it before send. It allows to see each feather on the wing of the titmouse bird few hundreds of meters away.
The mistletoe, which is 500 meters away
Here are few professional external power supplies. Those are necessary for the specialists, who work with such electronic devices as night imagers.
External power supplies give few more hours of work to any electronic device
A little later we will get few tablets for the gunners. One of the things that are necessary in terms of a field life to prepare firewood and logs for the floor in the dugouts are the chainsaws. A few of those we will also transfer to the front line soon.
The usual transfer of the aid. The People’s Project manager Maksym Ryabokon and the commander of the marines Vadym Suharevskyi
Anyone can join to the purchase of those holiday gifts for the defenders of Ukraine at the front line. All of the necessary equipment we purchase at the expense of the people’s donations. Each and every dollar collected in terms of The Mariupol Defenders Project is one more brick in the inaccessible wall of the defense of Ukraine.
Join the project to save life.