Someone collects donations and purchases the equipment, machinery and ammunition. Someone repairs vehicles. Someone donates money. Someone uses his connections, opportunities and skills, and tries to change the army for the better from within. Someone is not afraid of a blood and dirt, and saves people with his own hands at the front line. Someone picks up a weapon, and goes to the front line to expel the invaders and defend the country. On December 5 we honor the volunteers. Thanks to them Ukraine exists till now, despite the war, despite all the efforts of the eastern neighbor of Ukraine, aimed for the physical destruction of the Ukraine and the Ukrainians.
These photos are the vivid illustration of the volunteering. They describe the moment when a combination of the effort of the fighters and volunteers save life. This photo story came from the Donetsk airport on January 17 of 2015. The author is the correspondent of the Novoe Vremya (New Time) informational agency Anastasia Bereza. This day Ukrainian soldiers punched and held the corridor to withdraw from the surrounding the 126 of their colleagues.
There was only one military doctor. Of course, he alone was not able to help all the wounded. Injured soldiers were moved away from under the enemy fire, provided with the first aid and transported to the nearest hospital. They have done everything they could. The process of salvation was organized and conducted by the joint effort of defenders of Ukraine and volunteers. There were the volunteer paramedic Olga Basheiy; volunteer who tries to break the walls of the bureaucracy within the Army – now the adviser to the President and Assistant of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Yuriy Biryukov; volunteer, an officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the contract – now the assistant to the Minister of Defense and the head of the General Staff Tetiana Rychkova.
Several photos show the process of the rescue of The People’s Project patient Vitaliy. Vitaliy is now a part of The Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded Project. After he injury the Vitaly’s condition was stabilized in a military hospitals. But the doctors there suggested to cut his leg of because of the conplications.
Only the cellular technology gave Vitaliy hope for the recovery. His injuries are terrible, and require difficult and prolonged treatment. The doctors fight not only with the consequences of the injury, but also with the complications. The efforts of the people who rescued Vitaliy from the death, of the doctors who work hard, so Vitaliy can someday leave the hospital on his own two, and of everyone who donates money to cure the defender will be successful.
Each and every person can be a volunteer. Every dollar donated through The Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded Project makes it possible to pay for the high-tech treatment of the seriously wounded defenders of Ukraine. It’s only little amount for everyone, and a huge chance for a normal life for the wounded.