Specialist troops and need specific technical support. That means equipment that meets modern standards and not relics of the Soviet era. Of course, some examples of these old specimens still serve faithfully and regularly but they are best left to nostalgia. It has no place it in modern aviation, where every gram of excess weight on board may decide the fate of combat missions. So today we presented some Ukrainian pilots with brand new instruments, which the guys had requested from us some time ago.
We delivered on on that request thanks to the contribution of people who helped buy and, most importantly, have these devices delivered from distant lands.
It has come to our attention following a cyber-attack, that our news is followed not only by supporters of Ukraine, therefore we are keeping exactly what the equipment is under wraps, but rest assured, this gear will allow the work of Ukraine’s attack aircraft to reach new heights!
Thanks to everyone who is helping to bring Ukraine’s military into the 21st century.