Fundraising for The Skin Bank The Skin Bank project ended long ago, but it still continue to save people’s life successfully. Experts of The Center of Thermal Injuries and Plastic Surgery operated fifteenth patient of the project – the young man who got severe burns due to an accident at work. First of all arm treatment took place: doctors implemented cellular materials into the area of severe skin destruction to facilitate the further course of treatment and skin regeneration. Biomaterials have been provided by specialist of the The Ilaya Clinic, and the financing of the project was provided by The People’s Project using people’s donations.
Patient’s condition is quite severe. Burns of the I-II-III degree cover 55% of the body. Severe burn shock take place
The patient is 21-year-old boy Nazar, who works for a pharmaceutical company in Sumy. Accident occurred during the working day. Tank with dioksydyn got on fire. The guy got serious and extensive burns.
Hand was one of the most affected areas
To reduce the effects of burn shock, prevent serious complications during the recovery and reduce pressure puted on the body during the early stages of treatment, doctors headed by Professor George Pavlovich Kozynki MD used technology of cellular materials application. 140,000,000 cells from the reserve bank of skin of the Ilaya Clinic were used. Applied biomaterials will assist patient’s skin to recover much faster.
Skin will recover eventually with help of the skin cell materials applied
The Skin Bank Project established using combined effort of combustiologists from The Center of Thermal Injuries and Plastic Surgery located at the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital №2, who are directly involved in the process of treatment; biologists from the Ilaya clinic, who help to produce and store the reserve of cellular material; and The People’s Project volunteers, who financed this medical project using people’s donations. The project helped to create 2.4 billion cells reserve of biological materials, that are cultivated and stored at the facilities of Ilaya Clinic and provided to the Burn Center at the first requirement.
Hand is covered with aseptic wipes to preserve skin from drying and to protect it against the infection
Burns are extremely dangerous thing that causes a strong shock and overloading of entire body. Even if the patient do manage to survive he get serious physiological issues and cosmetic defects for the rest of his life. So here comes handy cellular materials. They facilitates patient’s recovery, greatly improve his chances of survival and significantly reduce the amount of further consequences. At the time when most of the wounded in the ATO area are patients with burns, the project allows to treat Ukrainian defenders – and not only them – with maximum efficiency.
It is worth noting that the efforts of doctors and biologists are indeed very important in the process of burns treatment. So once again we express our sincere gratitude for every donation.