We are happy to say the Ukrainian knack for improvising extends to our engineers who have made components, which are impossible to find on the Ukrainian market.
The photo below depicts the workshop, where the helicopter components are being produced.
You can see the production process in its entirety and particular finished components, ready to complete assembly.
Making the silencer components
Making the air filter
Silencer fitted to the engine
We’ve purchased aluminium alloy for the chassis. The chassis is going to be very strong and super light at the same time.
A panel for the installation of engine is waiting for a starter clutch, which will start the engine
Axles sleeve bearings
The gear cog has to withstand great pressure, so it will be made of super hardened metal. All work completed by our specialists.
How it looked in the beginning
Measurements must be exact
After component assembly
At last: the cog fixed to the engine
One of the most important components is that which protects the system from overheating:
a powerful cooling fan.
The hardest to find components, we’ve looked for them for a long time. Belts for the transition of energy from the engine to the blades.
At present production of the people’s helicopter is partly hindered by a delay in component delivery from China. We’re doing our best to solve this problem and believe the vendor will send all parts on order as soon as possible.