On August 16 Oleh underwent surgery by the Brystou method, which managed to replace the head of the humerus in the joint. The money for the surgery and treatment, which amounted to 77,269 UAH, was raised very quickly and transferred by The People’s Project. The operation helps cure joint instability and overcome habitual dislocation of the shoulder, which was significantly affecting Oleh’s quality of life, significantly limiting his arm’s range of motion and causing pain.
Oleh is in good spirits and is recovering quickly. We believe this will continue. Oleh, even said this operation was less painful than the arthroscopic surgery he underwent earlier in a public clinic.
Oleh will be back at the medical center in the coming month for review. We hope by that time he will have already forgotten about the persistent pain in his arm, and wish him a speedy recovery.
Oleh was wounded almost two years ago, on October 11 2014 – his birthday. At first his arm worked normally because the fighter did not pay it much attention. Then the pain increased significantly, he basically lived on a diet of painkillers and continued to fight. It was only when the pain became unbearable that Oleh was sent for treatment of his arm.
Unfortunately, in state institutions Oleh did not fully recover function in his arm, the limb’s movement was significantly limited and the pain never completely disappeared. But thanks to the project Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded and support all those who helped in contributing to the necessary funds for treatment in record time, Oleh has hope for a full recovery. How he was feeling after surgery can be seen in the following video (in Ukrainian):
Earlier, The People’s Project reported the incredible restoration of the bone in a 19-year-old’s leg. Recently doctors formed new bone in a wounded soldier from the “Donbas” Battalion.
More of Ukraine’s wounded soldiers are awaiting funds to be collected for their chance to access this unique treatment. Since the state, through legislative and other restrictions, can not support biotechnology in the treatment of wounded soldiers only hope for help lies with ordinary people.
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