Dear friends, here are a few news about Vitaliy – it has been quite a long time since we informed you about this guy. Vitaliy was busy overcoming complications: severe infection slowed down his recovery which made the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project’s doctors correct the pre-planned course of treatment. Still, lately medics have performed another surgery on Vitaliy’s leg. They joined the fragment of the broken hip bone that previously had been stretched up by means of the Ilizarov apparatus, to another part of the same bone. Now everything has to fuse up in a natural way, and application of cell technology will allow to make the process easier and faster.
Vitaliy has been undergoing treatment within the Biotech for about a year and a half. The guy’s story is rather problematic although it possesses all chances to result in a happy end: a volunteer of the OUN battalion, the guy got his third injury, the heaviest one, during the battle near Pisky. Vitaliy’s hip got severely wounded and his eye got a shrapnel injury as well.
This is the hip injury for which Vitaliy is being treated within the Project
Immediately on getting wounded Vitaliy was captured. Admittedly, he got minimum medical aid on the terrorists’ part, though it was not sufficient. Lack of medical assistance lead to numerous complications: osteomyelitis that developed following the injury, severely damaged the bone, the leg got twisted and shortened, and the fracture did not heal for another one and a half years.
While in the Biotech, the guy got treated for recurring infection; besides, the doctors straightened his leg and bring it to its natural position; having applied cell technologies, they also got the fracture healed; at the moment, they are about to complete the guy’s treatment. Naturally, additional medical procedures have affected total cost of the fighter’s treatment. Now we, the volunteers of People’s Project, have to pay extra amount for Vitaliy’s treatment which makes almost 50 thousand UAH, and we can do this at the expense of your donations or sponsor support solely. But we are confident the purpose of payment is more than worth paying: it is the restoration of the guy who got heavily injured while defending our peace and security. Dear friends, join in!