Mykolayiv Region Office of the Prosecutor donated 82,140 UAH for the needs of Special Forces soldiers of the ATO area, – reported volunteers of The People’s Project. Prosecutors contributed 1 day salary fund of all employees to the project. For the money received volunteers already purchased special equipment for the unit.
There is 1 special unit in ATO area. Soldiers perform the most complex combat missions, and often beyond the front line. This is why we can not spread details about them. One thing we can say. We are honored to help this unit, and try to provide it with a necessary ammunition and equipment at the first chance. Usually we do it for charitable donations of ordinary people. And recently an extremely pleasant surprise happened. Agency, that associates with the fight against crime, rather than a charity, acted as a benefactor.
Funds were donated by the head of the Office of the Prosecutor Taras Dunas and his colleagues
Significant amount of money was donated to The People’s Project by the Mykolayiv Region office of The Prosecutor in terms of The Rapid Response Project. Over 82,000 UAH were transferred to the account of the project. It turned out, that it is a gesture of the staff of department. As a charitable donation they transferred the salary of all staff for 1 day of work.
Needless to say, how appropriate this transfer was. For the received money volunteers purchased a part of necessary equipment for the Special Forces soldiers. Due to a weather conditions a variety of camouflage gear been purchased, so the soldiers could keep their duty properly. Also, we purchased secure tablet and a memory card so the soldiers have a mini-computer, that runs at any conditions and at any circumstances. Remainder of funds will be spend to purchase other necessary equipment for the military.
Ammunition, purchased for the donations of the Office of the Prosecutor allow to fight against the enemy more effectively
At the time, when some individual law enforcement officers try to obstruct volunteer activities, employees of the Mykolayiv Office of the Prosecutor serve as a noble example for the government system. The People’s Project was picked by the Office of the Prosecutor for a reason. It repeatedly helped to finance various special forces units, developed and implemented a unique system of transparent reporting system, which is a unique model of a volunteer organizations in Ukraine. The project was repeatedly awarded by honorary awards, and recently became the leader of the National Benefactors Rating.
This is a great opportunity to think, how your company or organization can help with the needs of Ukrainian military. We call you to become a part of The Rapid Response Project, because this special unit is not the only one in need of help and a material support. Join the project, to support our military, and give Ukrainian defenders additional opportunity to protect Ukraine.