Completion of the training course as part of the School of Military Divers project is nearing. For the Mariupol Maritime Security Detachment it was a very intense two-week training course. Instructors included in the program elements used in the preparation of military divers in NATO countries. For now, after the occupation of the Crimea, the situation with the level of preparedness of personnel is even more difficult – all basic education facilities remain on the peninsula. To help close the gaps in the military training are committed People’s Project volunteers.
The Mariupol Maritime Security Detachment is responsible for the safety of the waters in an area, located just over 10 kilometers from the front line. Most of the military personnel talk of having seen Russian boats near the coast. Under these conditions, divers must be prepared not only to explore and test the waters for safety and lack of explosives, but also save wounded on the water.
The course consisted of theoretical and practical sections. Practical skills were practiced for one week in the pool and for another week in the open waters of the Azov Sea.
Much of the practical training in the pool was devoted to underwater combat. This is a relatively young discipline, invented in the 80’s in the Soviet Union. It is very useful as part of the system of training divers. Due to the competitive component, underwater combat not only increases physical endurance levels, for in all duels the breath is held, but also prepares divers to face unusual situations under water.
Also, the squad worked on exercises to improve their ability to use equipment in the water and stress tests. An equally important component of successful training is building the teamwork skills of divers. Being able to trust each other and work smoothly under water is essential. This not only increases the efficiency of tasks, it is also a guarantee of the safety of the divers themselves.
It should be noted that despite the complexity of the training program and the grueling training, the divers were very motivated and enthusiastic. This attitude to learning pleased the coaches.
Next time, we will discuss the second phase of training, which took place in the Sea of Azov. In the meantime, please get involved and support the project. Just click the green button. Your support is very important.