Ukrainian soldiers who have risked their lives and health to protect Ukraine’s territory from Russian aggression are entitled to certain benefits from the state. The Law of Ukraine “On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection” distinguishes three categories of war veterans, combatants, war invalids and war veterans.
If an ATO participant becomes disabled through wounding or injury, he is entitled to receive the status of “combatant” or “disabled veteran”. However, the soldier will be only given one certificate of his choice. More appropriate in this case issue is the status of “disabled veteran,” wounded soldiers told volunteers of The People’s Project. However, disability in Ukraine must be regularly verified – as if after two years a torn off leg may have suddenly “grown back”?..
According to the soldiers, they have problems. If a fighter already holds a veteran license (UBD) and he wants to register as disabled by the war, the social protection bodies can make him surrender the certificate. This is according to what wounded soldiers told People’s Project volunteers (video in Ukrainian).
These guys were treated using cellular technology for the project Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded. In their profiles the stories of how they were wounded their subsequent treatment in different hospitals can be found: Volodymyr, a National Guard soldier and Andriy, a soldier in the 30th Brigade.
However, the guys do not want to give their documentation just anywhere, because in Ukraine the law does not spell out the requirements for delivery of certification. In addition, delivery of the certificate UBD, the fighters believe will create a lot of problems during the execution of various benefits and social security.
So, we are right to question why Ukraine’s wounded who risked their lives in the war, have run around on crutches to various offices, proving they are affected by disability. When and who finally explain these issues to ATO veterans?
Volunteers of The People’s Project appealed to the experts at “Legal Hundred”. According to Lesya Vasilenko, the Law of Ukraine “On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection” procedure for obtaining certificates or difficulty in being registered occurs because it is a procedure that follows fixed regulations. The law defines what is right and how to implement it is determined by the order of the executive authority. The order also says holding two certifications is not possible.
Also, when the UBD certificate is filed with social protection authorities, the person is not deprived of veteran status, and acquires the status of war veteran. This status provides more benefits and social guarantees provided by Article 13 of the Law of Ukraine “On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection”.
The legal expert has never seen situations where more incentives are needed for a UBD certificate. As a rule, a certificate requires a soldier to have been directly involved in the ATO. This is made by local governments because their decisions have expanded the list of benefits for participants in the ATO.
Remember that all participants in the war in the Donbas can get free advice by calling 0800 308 100 (calls within Ukraine are free).