Surgeons in South Korea have conducted an unprecedented an operation to implant artificial calcaneus. The implant was made of titanium using laser technology 3D-printing. It is fully consistent with the anatomy of the 20-year-old patient from whom doctors had to remove the cancer in the heel, which could have led to amputation of the leg.
But Dr Kang Hyun-Guy from the National Cancer Center found an alternative solution. He proposed five bone prints on 3D-printer. The whole process of creating an implant took only two weeks. Thanks to modern technology, high accuracy scanning and converting the images into 3D-files the new calcaneus fully met the anatomical features of the patient.
“The five bones are strong enough to support the weight of the patient, and it fit perfectly into his anatomy. It certainly reduces the likelihood of complications,” Dr Hyun-Guy said.
Video about the operation (in English).
Earlier, The People’s Project reported the incredible restoration of the bone in a 19-year-old’s leg. Recently doctors formed new bone in a wounded soldier from the “Donbas” Battalion.
The project “Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded“ iLaya clinic doctors, using the latest biotechnology, are restoring the damaged limbs of wounded Ukrainian soldiers.
Currently the collection of funds for the treatment of two wounded with five more waiting in line to join the project. For them bioechnology represents the only chance to recover. Since the state, through legislative and other restrictions, can not support biotechnology in the treatment of wounded soldiers their only hope lies with people.
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