The Karatyel project starts to co-operate with municipal enterprises in Ukraine’s cities and towns. Kyiv and Zhytomyr are the first ones to test the online system of penalization. Shortly, the citizens of these two cities will be able to use a separate section of the Karatyel application for filing complaints regarding violation of legislation in public transport area.
To file a request or a complaint will be possible in just a few clicks: the process is as effortless as the rest of functions of the soft. To hasten the transfer of the complaint you will have to fill in three spaces: what happened, route number and the vehicle’s license plate number (or its tail number). There is no need to enclose the photo illustrating the violation. Still if you have these taken, you can send them as well.
Soon Karatyel will feature a new button enabling citizens to report violations in public transport
All requests sent via the Karatyel app, will not be additionally processed by the project’s lawyers: instead, they will be directed to the corresponding municipal enterprises “ZhytomyrTransport” and “KyivPasTrans” immediately.
By the way, recently a handy e-ticket system and non-cash payment terminals in route-taxies have been introduced in Zhytomyr. It is exceptionally convenient to enter the bus, pay with your card without the necessity to use pocket money and drag away the driver’s attention, and simply get your ticket (especially since our drivers do not normally give you one).
Hopefully, it is just the beginning, and soon each Ukrainian city, step by step will become a friendly European one. But this will happen only if to steadily pay attention to each violation to help improve the general situation. This is where you can prove effective, dear friends! Please download the application on iTunes or Google Play and participate in making our cities better. The application is absolutely free of charge, still donating a certain amount onto the project’s account, you can support the team of lawyers who are responsible for all paper work on the Karatyel project and supervise processing of your complaints in municipal and state institutions.