What a nice surprise. We have completed «The Victors» project but money has still been coming to the linked account. This time we received another three thousand hryvnias.
Today, as you can see in the project’s report total sum makes almost 139,000 UAH, while the required amount is only 135,000 UAH. The funds have once again been remitted by our good friends, «DIPA», publishing house that recently published the book titled “Junta’s Fourteen”. This is a collection of live memories and emotive stories of both military and volunteers who spent the last three years of their life serving our country and helping Ukraine’s army selflessly and devotedly. From the very beginning, the publishing house’s representatives promised to donate to charity a part of their revenue. And they keep their promise diligently: this is their second transfer to The Victors’ account, and total sum of their contribution amounted to 10,000 UAH.
Now to practical matters. At the moment we are finishing all required official procedures to complete the transfer of the raised funds to The Victors project’s operational account, for the project’s main character, Mykola Poltorak, who had lost his leg in a battle and now needs a new custom made sportive prosthesis. The surplice will remain on our account.
We decided not to end our own separate project under the same title, The Victors, and proceed with raising funds for another participant, – soon we will decide for whom among our wounded fighters the help would be the most opportune. For now, raising money has been paused so far, but we urge you to support our other charity initiatives: for example, the «Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded» project under which we restore heavily injured fighters and help them to avoid amputations thanks to hi-end medical technologies applied by ilaya clinic staff.
This kind of innovative treatment can be sponsored at the expense of people’s donations solely, as the Ministry of health evades recognizing these technologies: they seem to have their own reasons and prefer amputation as an “easy and money-saving” way of treatment. So even a few hryvnias of your contribution will be extremely helpful: today the project is patronizing a few heavily injured patients who desperately need our support.