We want to tell you about a miracle. Miracle, which was only possible thanks to you. One of the first and most difficult (almost hopeless) patients of The Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded Project Vitaliy took the first steps on his own feet for the first time in the past 2 years. It was an absolute surprise not only for the volunteers of The People’s Project, who collected 500,000 UAH of donations for his treatment, but also for the doctors of The Ilaya Clinics, who did not expected such a fast recovery.
Vitaliy joined The Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded Project 2 years ago and went through the same way as other patients. Doctors managed to save his legs against amputation, and successfully treated an osteomyelitis. He was treated for a long time, but without a drastic changes. For 2 years Vitaliy remained confined to the wheelchair. Last time we saw Vitaliy, when ha was recovering after one more corrective surgery, with Ilizarov apparatus on his legs.
Vitaliy after one more surgery (October 2016)
We did not expect a striking success or breakthrough soon, but Vitaliy surprised us. For the first time in 2 years of suffering, Vitaly finally started walking again.
Whole process of treatment was very difficult. However, given the fact that both Vitaliy’s legs were to be amputated, 2 years is not that long. Vitaliy was wounded during a fierce battle for Donetsk airport in January of 2015. Mortar mine blow up on the runway few meters away from Vitaliy. That time 16 soldiers were heavily injured with fragments. Vitaliy’s had muscles of his both legs torn and bones smashed. Paramedics stabilized Vitaliy’s condition and brought him to the hospital.
Volunteer paramedic Olga Bashei saves Vitaliy’s life. Photo by The “Novoe Vremya” Informational Agency
Doctors of public hospitals told Vitaliy to get ready to amputation of both legs. Vitaliy tried his last chance to save his legs instead.
Vitaliy’s right leg at the first stage of treatment. Conventional medicine have no solutions to treat it
Treatment at The Ilaya Clinic went with alternating success for 2 years. During this time doctors had to deal with purulent necrotic processes, nonunion, osteomyelitis, many plastic surgeries with re-positioning, months wearing Ilizarov apparatus and external retainers.
Such a massive and painful surgery is neither the first, nor the last one for Vitaliy
Vitaliy went through more complicated surgeries, than many other participants of a project. Many times bone infection returned, because Vitaliy’s wounds were heavily infected initially. Many plastic surgery for muscles and skin were necessary, because it was not enough to recover just a bone.
Most time during past 2 years Vitaly spent wearing metal retainers
One of the ankle joints doctors suggested to fix hard and still, because of a serious injury of a foot, which got twisted. There were no hope, that it will work again. Vitaliy surprised doctors when he managed to make a joint to move again, with help of a regular exercises. So, after a few plastic surgeries for tendons his foot returned to its natural position and should work fine. And now Vitaliy got up and walked. It is a miracle.
However, it is too early to celebrate. Vitaliy’s treatment continues, and it will for quite a while. There is no guarantee that Vitaliy will recover completely. But the result he reached at a present time is definitely a success at this stage of treatment.
For 2 years Vitaliy did not gave up, despite all the suffering
Vitaliy is not the only badly wounded soldier the cellular treatment of who the government declines to finance. In a queue to participate in The Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded Project there are 12 seriously injured Ukrainian defenders right now. They all went through the treatment in state hospitals and survived months of suffering. They all faced the prospect of amputation and need special professional treatment ASAP. To immediately begin the treatment in terms of the project we need about 5,500,000 UAH which we need to collect first. The resources we have collected by now are not enough neither to start the treatment for the new patients, nor to finish the treatment process of the current.
Government still does not finance innovative methods of treatment for the wounded soldiers even though it has no alternative in a conventional medicine. The chance to return injured Ukrainian soldiers to normal life is in our hands, and it can be realized at the expense of people’s donations to The Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded Project.
Join the project to save life.