Wounded 30th Brigade fighter Victor has undergone a control review of his treatment. Almost two years have passed since the primary operations on his broken heel. In November 2014 he entered the biolaboratory of iLaya Medical Company for the preparation of cell-tissue material. All treatment costs for Victor were paid by The People’s Project thanks to donations collected by the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project.
An X-ray has shown complete bone tissue formed at the site of the former defect. the former fighter living a full life, working on a farm and does not feel any restrictions as the foot takes all weight freely.
Victor was enrolled in the project with a defect of the right calcaneus and rear talus appendix offset by debris. The calcaneus of the fighter was completely shattered. In such cases, the restoration of bone in the foot can not be handled by a person’s own body which threatens them with the loss of function of legs and, as a result, curvature of the spine. Victor’s treatment in the project began on October 10 2014, when doctors conducted a preparatory resection with removal of debris and sampling of cellular material.
After preparing the material Victor underwent the basic operation and a later operation for the correction of bones and affixing an external fixation device. Using the apparatus, doctors brought the bones of the foot back into their correct physiological position. Due to these procedures the fighter can now walk freely and does not require any other auxiliary support.
Victor was wounded during the massive bombardment of Ukrainian military positions with small arms, guns, mortars and grenades by the enemy. Defending a checkpoint, he injured both feet and had a chance of relying on crutches for the rest of his life. Fortunately, in Ukraine there is unique technology that can help those wounded such as Victor. Despite considerable skepticism from conventional medical specialists, the doctors at the iLaya Medical Company have, for more than the past two years, treated soldiers wounded in the ATO successfully.
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