Dear friends, we’ve got some good news for you! Among the rest of activities, the volunteer center People’s Project has launched a new social initiative to which are inclined to pay particular attention. The peculiarity of the project lies in certain shift in our treatment of the project itself. That means we are going to move from the previous method of hasty search for a solution towards more balanced one meant to prevent the emergence of these very problems. That’s why we decided to support the initiative suggested by our colleagues, – a small but exceptionally active non-governmental organization “A Little Heart with Art”.
The NGO’s activists supported by other volunteer and public institutions, have been planning to run a specific volunteer hub, that is a center designed to combine the efforts of all the people eager to change the life of their fellow countrymen to the better. To achieve this, they arrange the facilities where the volunteer project will function – the space where one can come to and work; the same facility is meant to be used for various training sessions, workshops, and all kinds of legal, financial and other kinds of professional assistance. In addition to this, the whole FORT project (this is how the initiative has been titled) is to host a medical center for HIV/AIDS diagnostics, and express test laboratory and care.
This is how the Hub facilities are to look: today, it is just a draft. Actually, for now the future Hub is just a basement which doesn’t look too nice yet
Virtually, the project has already come into its initial stage: thanks to the support provided by the city authorities, they managed to find an empty space to allocate; a variety of volunteer organizations supplied necessary equipment, still there is certain shortage in some materials and resources necessary for a full-fledged start of the initiative. That’s why we decided to step in as well: at the moment, we are rising a relatively small amount to enable the project to finish all their preparations and unroll their activities in full. In our mind, it will help bring up and train a solid stratum of active citizens and thus form up a community able to immediately influence the whole country’s life.
Dear friends, you can find the complete list of necessities as well as the entire amount to raise, in the description of the project. We urge you to support the FORT initiative both financially (as much as you can, of course), and informationally, as spreading the information about this initiative matters. We do believe that one armed with professional skills, supported by sympathetic community, in addition to his or her ardent own will, can really change the environment both locally and throughout the whole society. You, personally, can also take your own part in this important initiative. After all, unless us, then who, right?