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Rapid Response

Artillery seeks our support. The need is urgent

Dear friends,

We’ve got another problem, how to tell you about the things that must remain a secret?

Despite this, there are both an urgent need and an operative request from our military fighting in the forefront.

So let us try to carefully formulate this request not to tell too much and at the same time to ask you for your support.

So the war is on. And continuous bombardment on the terrorists’ part is  rather a common practice for our military. The enemy deploys literally any kinds of weapons: their snipers are targeting our fighters while the rest of scoundrels fire small arms toward us. Every day, the opponent’s artillery works as well: they use mortars, various grenade launchers and guided munitions. With saddening frequency, the JFO HQ reports on our wounded and killed military men who sustain shrapnel wounds during such “blind” shelling: just a couple of days ago, a paramedic of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade has died of shrapnel wounds.

Naturally, our servicemen abide by the provisions agreed, so they never attack first. Still when the enemy goes mad, they can righteously respond to fire. And they enjoy their right in full.

Our artillery guys have their own little professional tricks and means: in particular, they use the systems allowing to immediately and precisely figure out the positioning of the active weapons used by terrorists. And not only figure out but also send them a couple of gifts.

At the moment, certain military units are upgrading and modernizing this system, and they asl our assistance in this: we need to buy specific electronic devices aimed to enhance the accuracy of our artillery, improve coordination between analytical and operational units, facilitate protection of communications, and, on the whole, allow destroying the enemy immediately, with no delay. This is the maximum details we can share now. In reply to our request they even sent us a photo taken in their HQ: can you for a moment imagine how desperately they need the electronics that they agreed to disclose some details despite the utmost secrecy they must maintain.

Dear friends, this kind of equipment is really expensive. Two kits will cost us 70.000 hryvnias which we have to raise within the Rapid Response project. Still this is the price of our artillery’s accurate work. Sooner or later, all criminals, traitors and occupiers will get their payback. And each of us can help speed this process up and save our defenders’ lives.

Dear friends, come join in!

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Rapid Response

Quick response to military requests and timely delivery of needed item/s to military positions.

15 300 000 UAH (373 017 USD) needed
99% raised
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Миколаївський обласний благодійний фонд “РЕГІОНАЛЬНИЙ ФОНД БЛАГОЧЕСТЯ”
ПАО КБ ПриватБанк
ЄДРПОУ: 36143302
МФО: 305299
IBAN-код: UA343052990000026000011709917
Призначення платежу: Благодійний внесок. “Оперативне реагування”
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Regional Foundation Blagochestya”
IBANcode: UA583052990000026007011702069
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
Beneficiary bank: Privatbank
50, Naberezhna Peremogy Street, Dnipropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X

Intermediary bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank,New York ,USA
Swift code: CHASUS33
Correspondent account: 001-1-000080
Description: Charitable donation for ‘Rapid Response’ project
Intermediary bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Swift code: IRVT US 3N
Correspondent account: 890-0085-754
Description: Charitable donation for ‘Rapid Response’ project
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Regional Foundation Blagochestya”
IBANcode: UA703052990000026002041702959
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
Beneficiary bank: Privatbank
50, Naberezhna Peremogy Street, Dnipropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X

Intermediary bank: Commerzbank AG ,Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Swift code: COBADEFF
Correspondent account: 400886700401
Description: Charitable donation for ‘Rapid Response’ project
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation "Regional Foundation Blagochestya"
IBAN Code: UA363052990000026006001705679
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
CORRESPONDENT BANK: Bank Pekao/Grupa Pekao S.A., Warsaw, Poland
Account in the correspondent bank: PL13124000013140533111120301
SWIFT Code of the correspondent bank: PKOPPLPW
Description: Charitable donation for "Rapid Response" project.
Beneficiary: Mykolayiv Regional Charitable Foundation “Regional Foundation Blagochestya”
IBANcode: UA583052990000026007011702069
Beneficiary address: UA 54000, Mykolaiv, Buznyka str. 5, 118
Beneficiary bank: Privatbank
50, Naberezhna Peremogy Street, Dnipropetrovsk, 49094, Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X

Intermediary bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank,New York ,USA
Swift code: CHASUS33
Correspondent account: 001-1-000080
Description: Charitable donation for ‘Rapid Response’ project
Intermediary bank: The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Swift code: IRVT US 3N
Correspondent account: 890-0085-754
Description: Charitable donation for ‘Rapid Response’ project

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