Dmytro is a paratrooper with the 81st Separate Airmobile Brigade, and one of the latest patients treated under the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project. He got wounded last spring in “Promka” (an industrial park or so-called Promzona in Avdiivka outskirts), when an enemy bullet hit his arm and destroyed the elbow. Now the arm does not bend, just hangs down helplessly. When Dmytro heard the doctors’ prognoses and propositions, he decided not to participate a doubtful lottery and immediately addressed the Biotech where they treat complicated injuries of the kind with due intelligence giving the patients good chances for full recovery. In the past, Dmytro used to be a professional cyclist, so he is cherishing a hope to return into the saddle one day. With full responsibility and understanding, we are enthusiastic about helping his dreams come true. Recently we visited Dmytro at his clinic once again, and had a nice and honest chat with the man. Today we publish the full version of the conversation with the soldier who is overcoming tough effects of a severe injury.
Following video is in Ukrainian
As a part of treatment, the doctors at ilaya clinic had performed preliminary surgeries during which they took biological materials and got the injured area ready for further procedures. Eventually, specialists will make a tailored multipart bone block using Dmytro’s own cell materials, and special biological gel impregnated with the guy’s stem cells will help to grow the block into the tissues in the affected area and to compensate all bone defects. Usually, this method allows making up bone tissue loss completely, and with the time the newly grown bone obtains monolith solidity; generally, treatment of this type leads to no complications or implant rejection as the grown living tissue is the patient’s own one.
Doctors are going to turn this mess into a full function joint soon
Cost of treatment looks striking as well: a complete restoration course, in view of the prospective scope of doctors’ work and crazy price of the consumables, will make over half a million hryvnias. Still, thanks to your help we have already raised the required sum.
Although Dmytro’s treatment has been paid for, there are other guys who need our help as well. The authorities do not sponsor treatment of the kind. To amputate and provide prosthetics – yes, but to restore a limb using innovative global technologies – sorry, but no. That is why we have to ask for your support again and again. And there is no other way out because unless being supported and taken care of, our defenders would stay crippled until the end of their days. Obviously, we just cannot leave our fighters in trouble unassisted. So once again we beg you not to stop, dear friends. Your contributions donated to the account of the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project help us meeting our fighters’ expectations for normal life and getting them back to it.