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Operation Burn

A seven-months-old boy has suffered in a fire. Help is needed

Caution: the material contains graphic photos!

Calamities are always awake. In a small village of Medvedivka, in Cherkasy Oblast, there happened a terrifying occasionL a private household was set on fire. Mother came out to neighboring house while her three kids were left at home. It all started as a local fire, and, according to firefighters, it had been caused by a heater. The neighbors noticed smoke was coming out of the house, and rushed to it to carry out the kids. Another neighbor, an ATO veteran, started to perform CPR on them. Unfortunately, two elder children were impossible to resuscitate. Life of the youngest kid, a seven-month-old boy, has been saved thanks to this man: medics immediately transported the child to the intensive care.

Photo: courtesy of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

The tragedy happened in late autumn. Doctors have been struggling trying to save for the infant’s life for a long time, and eventually they succeeded. Still the consequences of his horrific burns have still been treated in a hospital until today. The doctors performed dozens of surgeries aimed to remove the necrotic tissue, as well as succeeded in overcoming the shock condition. At the moment, the medics completely control the tissue restoration trying to reduce the consequences of horrible injuries.

Photo: courtesy of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

The covetous fire that nearly took the child’s life, will leave its marks for the entire lifetime. The consequences of thermic impact are too hard to overcome in terms of ulcers and scars, and this will obviously remain the result of the injury that will keep influencing the child’s life. It is special medical equipment that could have help reduce these consequences as well as facilitate the medics’ work: we mean a radio wave apparatus that helps in healing the impacted tissue without unnecessary surgical interference. This approach results in faster healing, less workload on the exhausted organism, lesser life-risking procedures and, eventually, less scars and horrible marks.

We, the volunteers of People’s Project, have been involved in the problem for quite a log period of time: such news are rather common in our media, and the burn department of this very hospital hasn’t been empty a single day. Its patients include victims of domestic fires as well as those who had got an electric shock, and children get here almost as  often as adults. It is the department where plastic surgeons work shoulder in shoulder with anesthesiologists and combustologists since the very first moments a patient is taken into the department. It is their joint efforts that not only allows to save lives but to lessen all the terrible consequences of burns. This also means people’s lives and entire well-being saved.

Dear friends, please try to understand that we’re not among the graphic content funs. Still we need to place this disturbing picture here for you to understand how difficult the patients and the injuries of the department are, and how much effort it takes their doctors to heal these.

We cannot turn the time back. We also cannot save the fallen children and save the kids who died in fire; we’re unable to protect the teenagers against the evils they may face; we cannot put out each fire that suddenly erupts somewhere. Still we can provide affordable assistance and prevent at least the consequences of such disaster. Our medics lack up-to-date equipment badly. They use outdated devices or are enforced to work with no equipment at all. Eventually our medics applied to the Ukrainian charity community, and we decided to take on some of their needs. Within the Operation Burn initiative, we have been raising funds to accumulate the necessary amount out of our citizens’ affordable donations and buy the device necessary for the Burn Department, namely a high-frequency / radio electrosurgical unit RadioSurg 2200 TP, as well as the set of consumables and a system that provides proper sterilization of instruments allowing to save on this quite substantially. 

As usual, we never take a copeck for our own needs out of the funds we accumulate. All the money goes to the targeted needs. You can see our transparent reports updated in the real time, as well as the complete list of incoming funds and expenditures, in the project description.

Honestly, we should not expect any support on the part of the state: the list of requirements is rather long while the expenditures are considerable, so we have little hope for proceeding these purchases within the budget in some foreseeable period. But people have been saved there every single day, namely yesterday, today as well as tomorrow. So, dear friends, we cordially ask you to join in. Each your affordable contribution which may make just a few hryvnias, will definitely make efficient help for those who desperately need our  assistance. It is literally a helping hand and the investment in equipment that is to save both lives and well-being of our people including kids and adults – of everyone.

Dear friends, please join in!                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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Project Completed

Operation Burn

Raising funds to satisfy the needs of the Burn Department and purchase the necessary equipment

716 300 UAH (17 249 USD) needed
27% raised
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