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Project Completed

Perinatal Center

113 people donated
180 356 uah (7 551 USD)
of 138 635 uah (5 804 USD)
100% raised
Updated 28.11.2015 at 17:00
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Why is it important?

Thermal regulation, full electrolyte metabolism and skin respiration are underdeveloped in premature babies. Often it leads to multiple irreversible complications and death. Incubators are special "nests" where premature babies are placed in. It is a soft semi-sphere, where a baby feels comfortable and similar to being in utero. The baby needs to be protected from bright light and loud sounds.
The babies’ depend entirely on the technology implemented in these incubators.


The issue of the occurrence of premature babies in Ukraine is acute, and the infant mortality rate is very high. This problem is being solved by developing a more advanced design of incubators. The incubator SATIS Plus corresponds with neonatal intensive care perfectly. SATIS Plus combines ergonomics with the optimal control of temperature and humidity for a newborn. An active moisturizing system with ultrasonic nebulizer uses an automated system to maintain a high level of humidity in the incubator regardless of external temperature. It also controls rapid increases in humidity and reacts rapidly if conditions change. Depending on the level of urgency the improved operating system has three levels of visual and audial alarms for the newborn medical team’s convenience. At launch time and for every five minutes after turning it on, the microprocessor tests the condition of each vital function. Clear design provides for a simple and clear understanding of symbols, these symbols, and incubator’s ease of operation leaves for little margin of error.

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Where the money goes?

Preterm children, especially those born weighing less than 1500 grams, are not able to receive and assimilate a sufficient amount of nutrients. A fast growing baby requires a large amount of nutrition, but the size of its stomach is very small and the activity of digestive enzymes is reduced.
The incubator SATIS Plus meets the to neonatal intensive care completely.
The special modes of automatic thermoregulation and the ability to create a special microclimate in such a device provides a preterm baby with full life-sustaining activity.

Due to the fact that the sponsors had paid some of needed project’s positions, our volunteers purchased equipment and transferred it to the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Center of Mother and Child named after professor M.F.Rudnev.
The functioning principles of the perinatal сenter

Electrosurgical unit for monopolar cutting and coagulation
Electrosurgical unit for monopolar cutting and coagulation
paid 100%
1/1 un.
138 635 UAH

Totally:   138 635.00 UAH


Questions and answers

Questions and answers on method of payment and reporting

Raised: 180 356 UAH(7 551 USD)
Still needed 0 UAH(0 USD)
Spent 180 356 UAH(4 343 USD)
Balance 0 UAH(3 208 USD)
180 356 UAH (7 551 USD)
In kind contributions
DateItemQ-tyUAH equivalentComment
06/02/15Electrosurgical unit for monopolar cutting and coagulation1138635 UAHsponsorship
Total: 138 635 UAH (3 338 USD)
03/02/1521:1848.10 USDFRniki*
01/02/1513:4696.50 USDFIdmit*
31/01/1509:021.64 USDUA3863*
28/01/1509:1914.22 USDFRshal*
21/01/1521:5948.10 USDUAkoty*
15/01/1505:25195.30 USDUSgori*
05/01/1513:3428.74 USDCHkate*
05/01/1511:1814.22 USDGBanya*
02/01/1514:126.48 USDUAmbox*
453.30 USD
* 453.30 USD as of the date of conversion (03.03.2015) amounted to 12174.78 UAH.
* Commission payments via PayPal ranges from 0.3% to 7.4% + $0.30

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Settlement account
06/02/1521:47250 UAH ******5445
05/02/1521:47200 UAH ******8437
03/02/1522:48150 UAH ******7263
03/02/1521:5450 UAH ******3280
01/02/1517:48150 UAH ******7829
01/02/1515:50150 UAH ******0970
31/01/1515:4450 UAH ******2502
30/01/1515:04100 UAH ******7805
29/01/1522:04200 UAH ******0133
Totally (with regard to the amount of the fee*): 29 546.00 UAH (1 237 USD)
* LiqPay payment commission for Visa and MasterCard holders of all Ukrainian banks is 0%.
* Currency is converted automatically into Ukrainian hryvnias at the moment of transfer.

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180 356 UAH (4 343 USD)
Current project spending
03/07/2015Internal transfer1 12 174.80transferred to Supporting rehabilitation center for wounded
09/02/2015Internal transfer1 29 545.90transferred to Bioengineering rehabilitation for wounded
06/02/2015Electrosurgical unit for monopolar cutting and coagulation1 138 635.00delivered to the Dnipropetrovsk Medical Center for Mothers and Children named after Professor Mikhail Rudnev
Total: 180 355.70 UAH (4 343 USD)