The past days brought anxiety for Ukraine. Russian invaders resorted...
The past days brought anxiety for Ukraine. Russian invaders resorted to a number of provocations on the border with occupied Crimea, Ukraine accusing them of arrogance. As was the case two years ago, the disturbing question hung in the air: is it a pretext for war? Is this preparation for large-scale invasion?
Coordinator for The People’s Рroject Maksim Ryabokon was able to talk with military officers and the commander of the special forces of the State Border Service of Ukraine, stationed near the border with the occupied Crimea, who has considerable experience of fighting in the ATO zone.
These brave men, if faced with open aggression, are primed and ready to take on the enemy from the south.
“Of course, I would like yet another provocation, this was limited to a simple clash of arms. But as you know, if you want peace – prepare for war, we have no right to relax,” a Special Forces commander with the call sign “Associate” said. “For obvious reasons the details we can not tell you. However, we are confident in their abilities. Which would combat the problem at hand – whether it is direct fire contact with the enemy, supporting other military formations or any specific task – we are wholly prepared for any eventuality. Ready morally and physically – we will do whatever it takes to stop the aggressor.”
The initiative Special Forces Border Platoon garnered some criticism, with some asking why provide for a narrow-focus special squad of border guards who are not even in the areas of clashes? After all there is minimum risk of aggression and active hostilities unless limited local clashes with separatists break out.
Today, in response to the criticism, the special squad commander argues where and how to get the necessary equipment is in the past. All necessary offset units and detachments can now concentrate on performing specialized tasks.
“Thanks to the help of volunteers our unit is equipped for maximum demands. The enemy will not pass. And be sure – it’s not just words,” “Associate” said.
Well, it remains to be seen if this period of anxious waiting, as always in the past, brings zilch from the potential enemy. However we can’t afford to relax. Not all units who oppose the occupiers have everything they need. And who knows – where and when the next time arises when they need our help.
Recently, People’s Project volunteers were shown what war looks like in: video of fierce battle between the 53rd Brigade and Russian terrorists. We were also provided with video about the elimination of Russian terrorist “Vaha”.
Now The People’s Project continues to raise funds for the immediate needs Ukraine’s military via the project Rapid Response. On the project’s landing page you can see a list of equipment provided to soldiers. Also open is a project to help the Mariupol Defenders.
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