“Today the issue of the rehabilitation of ATO fighters who...
“Today the issue of the rehabilitation of ATO fighters who have lost full function of upper limbs is acute. After treatment, they can not find a job, because they can not fully control their arms. As people with disability they can obtain state aid, but it is not enough to live on. The boys are still forced to look for work, but it is virtually impossible, and the reason is because of their disability” – neurosurgeon Oleksandr Kulik.
We take the the ability to grasp things for granted. If we are robbed of that ability life becomes difficult but if basic human reflex movements can be restored thanks to modern medical technology, the question of why this is not happening in Ukraine arises. to address the acute problem of the lack of this type of rehabilitative care in Ukraine we are purchasing an Armeo Spring apparatus.
In Ukraine, no clinic can boast the presence of such equipment. However we need to act quickly to purchase the device, while the manufacturer offers a huge discount.
More information on the Armeo Spring can be found in the Rehabilitation of Injured with Movement Impairment project.
The Armeo Spring is customized solely for upper limb recovery, which is most important to
social adaptation, Kulik takes up the story:
“Neurorehabilitation for the military is fundamentally different from rehabilitation of the civilian population. For example, the engineering approach to treatment of stroke patients can not be used for the military. Therapeutic methods for restoring the hand function of soldiers are not suitable. All of them had severe gunshot wounds, it makes for some adjustments in the hospital after treatment,”Kulik says.
“Today the center has technology that partially replaces the special modern machines, but they are not suitable for the patient because there is no direct impact on fine motor skills.”
All those suffering the consequences of failure of the central and peripheral nervous system (manifested by motor and sensory deficit of the upper limbs), who indulge in the practice of using modern technology – may return to normal in 3-4 months.
Wounded ATO soldiers can undergo free rehabilitation in the clinic NODUS.
“This charity project we implemented more than a year ago and we have rehabilitated 63 fighter patients free. We were able in every case to achieve success. I believe that this device, which restores fine motor skills – returns hand function will help us reach even more patients. So this our great hope, to turn over a largee number men,” NODUS founder, Kulik says.
“This man was unconscious, no part of the brain was functioning. His name is Roman Kubyshkin. When he regained consciousness, his arms and legs did not work.”
“We have modern facilities, kinesitherapy, robotic. There is recovery technology for the arms and legs, patients do exercises in the gym. The Armeo Spring device is also planned to go in this room.”
Soldier from Odessa with the 28th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleg Klymyshyn was seriously injured during Volnovakha on October 24 2014. After almost a year of treatment and rehabilitation in different hospitals and private clinics, he is showing positive results.
But to restoring function to his right hand has not happened. The soldier speaks in the following video:
To help with the purchase of the system for the rehabilitation of fighters have to act now, the discount is valid until the end of December. Together we save Ukraine’s heroes from disability!
PrivatBank for UAH transfers
Mykolaiv regional charitable foundation “BLAGOCHESTYA REGIONAL FUND”
PC CB PrivatBank
SREOU: 36143302
MFO: 326610
Account: 26008053213709
Purpose of payment: charity donation for “Rehabilitation of Injured with Impaired Movement”
SWIFT-transfers in USD
Account: UA803266100000026009053209659
Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank,Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X
Intermediary bank: JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York
Swift code: CHASUS33
Correspondent account: 001-1-000080
Description: Donation for “Rehabilitation of Injured with Impaired Movement” project
SWIFT-transfers in EUR
Account: UA413266100000026009053206287
Bank of beneficiary: Privatbank,Ukraine
Swift code: PBANUA2X
Intermediary bank: Commerzbank AG,Germany
Swift code: COBADEFF
Correspondent account: 400 8867 00401
Description: Donation for “Rehabilitation of Injured with Impaired Movement” project