It is not only experienced military staff and powerful hardware...
It is not only experienced military staff and powerful hardware that makes an army an up-to-date and well-equipped one. It is also military robots able of protecting our fighters through autonomous execution of life-threatening missions.
Thanks to these compact aides we can clear the territories that had been stuffed with anti-personnel mines. This kind of banned arms Russia sowed Donbas with, causes lots of injuries and deaths among both our military and civilians including children.
“Military robot is an automatic device able of replacing a human being in combat situations to protect his life or designed for operating in conditions incompliant with human’s capabilities,” – the JFO HQ officers explain.
While sapper robots assist our military in de-mining of the liberated territories, copters serve in the air. Our servicemen use them to monitor the enemy position and record data on amounts of manpower and equipment.
Since the moment of its foundation, People’s Project volunteer center has been continuously working out new solutions based on our military men’s essential needs. It should be kept in mind that it is rather impossible to solve all the frontline issues with a UAV of a single type, as these are not designed for universal use. Our fighters need various kinds of unmanned devices meeting their specific requirements in the best possible way. For example, despite their high capacity, big UAVs are not good for reconnaissance missions carried out near the contact line. It is rather problematic and disclosing to move to new locations fast while using a cumbersome “bird”. That is why we send a Ukrainian-made copter designed by Ukrspecsystems company to our units fighting in the forefront. The device can be easily fold into a rucksack and put into operational mode in a very short period of time. It takes only up to three minutes to deploy it.
Following the link, you can participate in the project and donate as much as you can into purchase of such a device. By doing this, you will support our fighters, saving their lives and making our jointly achieved victory closer.