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Founds raised Treatment continues

Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded

16181 people donated
30 742 512 uah (745 542 USD)
of 30 520 391 uah (740 155 USD)
100% raised
Updated 18.10.2024 at 7:55
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Why is it important?

The project Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded is a fundraiser for the restoration of injuries in wounded Ukrainian soldiers, for whom traditional medicine is unable to be of assistance. Significant fractures that do not heal over a period of months or years, massive bone defects, injured joints and some types of neurotrauma – these are all conditions the project deals with. To give the men a second chance at a full life, we use the revolutionary cellular technology program ilaya.regeneration.


About the project

What exactly do we offer those enrolled in Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded?

The process is quite simple. Specialists at the iLaya Medical Company conduct examinations on the wounded and develop a detailed plan for medical procedures as well as calculating the estimated cost. We collect your donations and pay for treatment. Doctors use biotechnology to select cellular material from patients. According to the profile of a bone defect, they may make a special three-dimensional matrix. They then "grow" the patient’s own living cells and subsequently transplant them at the site of the defect. Due to the fact it is the patient’s own tissue, the implanted material faces a minimal threat of rejection and grows at the site of the injury in a manner that makes it appear as if the injury never occurred. In addition, recovery is several times faster in these cases than in the case of traditional medical procedures.

At a time when state-funded medicine offers only crutches and prostheses, we operate on the cutting-edge of medical technology that makes it possible to return the wounded to normal.

Are we too confident? After all, we are talking about something you really only see in science fiction films. We are very much dealing with science fact, and if we were not seeing practical results, it would be difficult to believe. However, for more than two years, through the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded, more than 50 wounded soldiers have already been treated. Almost all of them have completed treatment or are on the way to a steady recovery.

Specific success stories:

Volodymyr. was 19 at the time he was wounded. A horrific injury he received when the cowardly Russian artillery shelled Ukrainian troops at Zelenopillya. Debris from projectile ripped through the bones of his left foot, almost depriving him of the ability to walk. What’s was to come next? Amputation and prosthesis or, at best, reliant on crutches for mobility.

Fortunately, the iLaya doctors were able to put Volodymyr back on his feet. For some time the re-grown bones have been in place and has fully recovered and returned to normal life with his girlfriend.

Biotech description-Domnich-with highlights

Oleg. Volunteered to go to war and during an intelligence mission with the Mariupol squad Oleg was caught in an ambush.An enemy machine gunner shot his leg, turning his tibia into splinters. Oleg’s advanced multi-comminuted fracture was soon taken on by the specialists at iLaya.
After examination, preparation and then relevant surgery – Oleg is confidently walking on both legs unaided.

Biotech description-Tolmachov

Roman. Was severely injured at a defense checkpoint when a grenade exploded nearby injuring both legs. His left knee had to be completely rebuilt. Public health doctors had almost written Roman off as a lost cause, however, the Biorehabilitation Rehabilitation for Wounded gave him a brand new joint. Today Roman continues rehabilitation and confidently heads towards a full recovery.

Biotech description Zhuravel

Oleg. One of the most difficult cases faced by the project, Oleg’s severe injuries were received during the battle for Lutugyne. Oleg almost lost his right humerus – the defect was 12 cm, his right femur lacked 4 cm. Six months of treatment in public hospitals brought no result. However, biotech brought unprecedented results and over time bone has regrown. Although his recovery continues, Roman has a chance for a full one.


Mykhailo. In battle near the village of Piski he took a bullet from an enemy machine gunner. Mykhailo lost 10 cm of his right clavicle. Of course, this lead to a complete lack of mobility in his right arm. Following his course of treatment at iLaya, the bone was regrown and now Mykhailo has fully recovered, is actively involved in sport and has returned to service in the ATO zone.


More about how biotechnology aided Mykhailo in his recovery:

This year, nine men enrolled in the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project took part in an annula charity fun-run in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. The nine took part in the "Chestnut Run" on their own feet and overcame the distance. Contrary to all predictions in the public health system, which were of disability and hopelessness, our defenders have returned to normal and have silenced all skeptics.

Sport ivent-Biotech

Why ilaya.regeneration?

Cellular technology is already used in several leading medical clinics around the world, however, in Ukraine, it is still a novelty. Utilizing this scientific technology requires such a high level of ultramodern equipment, staff with high academic qualifications, long-term study and certification. The specialists at iLaya were literally pioneers in the study and application of this technology in practice. The first patients were seriously injured miners, then the same methods were applied to the treatment of road trauma victims. Since the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine iLaya has dedicated this technology to the treatment of those seriously wounded in service defending the county’s territorial integrity.
Anyone can join this project, either as a supporter or as a wounded soldier actively seeking treatment.

If you or a loved one has been injured in combat and has injuries that are beyond the realms of traditional medicine, fill out this application form with medical and contact information. If approved, the specialists at iLaya will determine a course of treatment, and we will beging the fundraising process and pay all necessary expenses.

If your interest is in contributing to the project, we welcome any donations. There is a waiting list of seriously wounded Ukrainian military requiring care, so every hryvnia counts.

  • 27December2018

    The project budget increased by 540 985 UAH. The collected funds will be used to eliminate the consequences of unforeseen complications, which led to a deterioration of patients Igor and Sergey, and the need for additional surgical procedures. You can find out more about the complications and the course of further treatment in the patients' profiles.

  • 23October2018

    Project budget increased by 107 217 UAH. The cost of an additional stage of Sergiy's treatment added o the budget. The need for additional surgical treatment has arisen due to damage to the sciatic nerve injury. More information on the progress and budget of Sergey's treatment is presented on his page.

  • 19July2018

    Project budget increased by 67 869 UAH. Cost of the unplanned stage of Andriy's treatment added to the budget. Unfortunately, the bone damage appeared to be more serious and doctors had to reconsider the treatment plan. More information on the treatment course and budget displayed on Andriy's page.

  • 06June2018

    Project budget increased by 103 472 UAH. The cost of the additional stage of Andriy's treatment has been added to the budget. For more information on the causes of changes to Andriy's treatment budget, and the course of treatment itself, please visit his page.

  • 24April2018

    Project budget increased by 324 708 UAH. New wounded enrolled in the project. Mr. Volodymyr is an officer, Colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He was wounded in a fierce battle with terrorists. As a result of a bullet injury, he suffers from nonunion and the leg shortening. The fracture does not heal, and the bone continues to deteriorate.

Volodymyr, 55. Money for the treatment raised

Volodymyr, 55. Money for the treatment raised

Professional military, Colonel of the Armed Forces. For a long time, he guided the defense of a military base surrounded by terrorists in Bakhmud (formerly Artemivsk). Wounded in a fierce battle.

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Maksym, 37. The treatment is in progress

Maksym, 37. The treatment is in progress

Maksym got injured near the town of Myrnohrad (former Dymytriv), Donetsk region. Maksym is suffering from the incorrectly remodeled fracture of the hip – his leg does not bend in the knee. First stage of treatment has been paid by charitable fund "Helping is easy!".

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Valeriy, 52. The treatment stopped

Valeriy, 52. The treatment stopped

The hero died in early October 2018 due to a serious illness not related to the wound.

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Petro, 25. Treatment sponsored by the “Helping is Easy!” charitable fund

Petro, 25. Treatment sponsored by the “Helping is Easy!” charitable fund

Wounded near the village of Pisky. Due to shotgun injury, Petro got non-remodeled tibia fracture and sizeable shortening of the leg. The cost of Petro’s treatment makes 124 226 UAH. The complete cost of the treatment has been sponsored by the “Helping is Easy!” charitable foundation.

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Dmytro, 19. Treatment suspended

Dmytro, 19. Treatment suspended

Dmytro's treatment has been suspended due to his personal reasons.

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Yevhen, 38. Money for treatment raised

Yevhen, 38. Money for treatment raised

Wounded near town Schastiya, suffers from the consequences of an explosive injury to the left leg. Funds for Yevhen's treatment raised.

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Volodymyr, 45. Treatment completed. Rehabilitation is in progress

Volodymyr, 45. Treatment completed. Rehabilitation is in progress

Got wounded during the service in the ATO. Requires reconstructive-restorative treatment of knee joint due to cruciate ligament rapture. Money for Volodymyr’s treatment raised.

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Volodymyr, 44. Treatment is in progress

Volodymyr, 44. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near the city of Horlivka. Suffers from the consequences of an explosive injury to the right forearm - a bone defect about 10 cm. Money for the treatment raised.

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Serhiy, 41. The treatment is in progress

Serhiy, 41. The treatment is in progress

Wounded in the Donetsk region near the village of Shiroka Balka. Sufferers from the consequences of the bullet wound to the shoulder. Funds for the main course of treatment has been raised.

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Petro, 23. The third phase of treatment is in progress

Petro, 23. The third phase of treatment is in progress

Wounded near Dokuchaievsk. Extremely severe explosive injury of the right foot. As the first stage of treatment completed with positive results, the treatment budget has been updated.

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Dmytro, 45. The treatment is in progress.

Dmytro, 45. The treatment is in progress.

The wounded during the shelling of the Avdiivka industrial zone. Suffering from the effects of a gunshot wound to the left arm. Money for Dmytro's treatment raised.

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Serhiy, 32. The treatment process started

Serhiy, 32. The treatment process started

Injured while serving in armed forces near Avdiivka. Suffers from comminuted fracture of the left tibia and leg shortening of 5 cm. Sergiy's treatment has already started thanks to the contribution from one of the benefactors of the project.

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Mykyta, 28. Fundraising suspended

Mykyta, 28. Fundraising suspended

Wounded near to Debaltseve. The effects of fragment injuries to the right leg complicated by years of unsuccessful treatment. Mykyta refused the treatment in favor of other wounded.

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Vasyl, 42. Treatment is in progress

Vasyl, 42. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near Savur-Mohyla. The effects of shrapnel wound of the right humerus. For two years Vasyl's fracture did not heal, while bone has become shorter by 4 cm. Money for his treatment raised.

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Ihor, 24 year old. The treatment is in progress

Ihor, 24 year old. The treatment is in progress

Wounded near the town Shakhtarsk. Comminuted fracture of the thigh of the left leg, rupture of anterior cruciate ligament of his right foot. The treatment budget has been updated.

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31-year-old Sergiy. Treatment in progress

31-year-old Sergiy. Treatment in progress

Wounded near the village Krymske. Nonunion fracture of the left femur, and consequently 4 centimeters of the leg. Money for Sergiy's treatment raised.

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Vitaliy A, 26. Treatment is in progress

Vitaliy A, 26. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near the village of Pisky, the effects of the gunshot wound to thigh complicated by osteomyelitis. The budget has been updated.

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Serhiy K, 40. The treatment is in progress

Serhiy K, 40. The treatment is in progress

Wounded protecting Debaltseve. The effects of fragmentation wounds of the femur to his left leg. Chronic osteomyelitis, a bone defect about 9 cm. The treatment budget has been updated.

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Evhen S, 31. Treatment in progress

Evhen S, 31. Treatment in progress

Wounded in Novozvanivtsi, gunshot fractures of both bones of the right forearm, gunshot wounds to left hand bones, acute right shoulder joint instability and damage to the ligament of the right knee. The budget of Evhen treatment is updated.

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Dmytro Zh, 25. Treatment completed

Dmytro Zh, 25. Treatment completed

Wounded near Debaltseve. Extensive scar-ulcerative defect of the right popliteal fossa. Dmytro's treatment budget has been updated.

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Roman G, 26. Treatment is in progress

Roman G, 26. Treatment is in progress

Wounded in Mar'yintsi. The effects of shrapnel wounds, bone defect to the head of the right shoulder. Money for treatment raised.

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Oleksandr S, 43. Money raised

Oleksandr S, 43. Money raised

As a consequence of numerous injuries received during the fighting in Eastern Ukraine developed avascular necrosis of bone. Money for Oleksandr's treatment raised.

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Oleh D, 37. Treatment successfully completed

Oleh D, 37. Treatment successfully completed

OUN Batallion volunteer wounded in Pisky. The consequences of fragmentation wounds to the right arm. Oleg's treatment has come to an end, shoulder joint stability has been successfully restored.

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Roman S, 35. Treatment is in progress

Roman S, 35. Treatment is in progress

Injured while protecting the Donetsk airport. The consequences of a closed-vertebral spinal injury that resulted in a loss of function of the lower extremities. The treatment is in progress.

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Bohdan Z, 22. Treatment successfully completed

Bohdan Z, 22. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded near Popasna. The loose defect of the left tibia. Bohdan's treatment has come to an end, doctors eliminated the defect of the left tibia. Now Bogdan walks without crutches.

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Oleksandr G, 39. Treatment is in progress

Oleksandr G, 39. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near Donetsk Airport. The consequences of a mine, injuries to the right leg that led to the shortening of the limb. Money for the treatment raised.

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Pavlo K, 34.Treatment successfully completed

Pavlo K, 34.Treatment successfully completed

Injured while serving in the ATO. Torn cruciate ligament in the right knee as a result of severe stress. Paul's treatment completeв, the cruciate ligament of the right leg is restored.

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Oleksandr M, 37. Treatment is in progress

Oleksandr M, 37. Treatment is in progress

Wounded protecting industrial park in Avdiivka. The consequences of explosive injuries to the left arm. Money for the treatment raised.

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Volodymyr S, 37. Treatment is in progress

Volodymyr S, 37. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near Popasna. As a consequence of multiple shrapnel injuries - significant bone defects to his left leg. Money for the treatment raised.

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Volodymyr G, 33. Treatment is in progress

Volodymyr G, 33. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near Savur-Mohyla. The consequences of a gunshot wound to the left shoulder. Money for treatment raised.

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Yuriy R, 52. Treatment is in progress

Yuriy R, 52. Treatment is in progress

Commander of rifle company. Due to significant lifting during active participation in military events, it exacerbated his knee conditions. Yuriy treatment is in progress.

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Vitaliy K, 26. Main treatment stages completed. Rehabilitation is in progress

Vitaliy K, 26. Main treatment stages completed. Rehabilitation is in progress

Wounded in the Donetsk region at Saur-Mohyla. The consequences of a high-explosive injury to the left leg and foot. Vitaly can already walk without support and started exercising to restore limb functions after injury.

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Oleksiy M, 32. Treatment is in progress

Oleksiy M, 32. Treatment is in progress

Wounded at Stanytsa, Luhansk. The consequences of shrapnel wounds to both legs. Money for the treatment raised.

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Volodymyr F, 36. Rehabilitation is in progress

Volodymyr F, 36. Rehabilitation is in progress

Wounded near the village of Vodyane as a consequence of an exploding mine, total defect (loss) of the calcaneus. Money for treatment raised. Rehabilitation is in progress.

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Andriy B, 40. Treatment completed. Rehabilitation is in progress

Andriy B, 40. Treatment completed. Rehabilitation is in progress

Wounded near the village of Stepanivka. The consequences of explosive shrapnel wounds. Money for the treatment raised.

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Viktor L, 24. Treatment is in progress

Viktor L, 24. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near the village of Zhdanivka, Donetsk region. The consequences of shrapnel wounds in the back. Money for the treatment raised.

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Oleh F, 37. Refused treatment

Oleh F, 37. Refused treatment

The fighter has refused treatment. All raised funds transferred to the clinic for the treatment of other wounded - volunteer of 93rd Brigade Olexander H., 39.

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Bohdan V, 25. Fully recovered

Bohdan V, 25. Fully recovered

Wounded at Pisky. Nonunion comminuted fracture of the left radius on the brink of proximal upper third, tangential bone defect. The bone has completely fused.

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Oleksandr P, 28. Additional stage of treatment due to the trauma

Oleksandr P, 28. Additional stage of treatment due to the trauma

Wounded near the village Schastia. Consequences of firearms injury. Oleksander completed the treatment in the project and was allowed to cautiously proceed to physical activities. Unfortunately, he was too eager to start exercising. Now there is a need for an additional treatment stage to remove the effects of the excessive physical activity.

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Petro B, 24. Treatment is in progress

Petro B, 24. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near Lugansk Airport. The consequences of open vertebral-spinal injuries - bruises to spinal cord in the lower-thoracic region. Severe paresis of the left leg. Petro's treatment is in progress.

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Andriy S, 41. Treatment successfully completed

Andriy S, 41. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded in Izvaryne, the consequences of explosive shrapnel wounds. Osteomyelitis of the left tibia. Bone traction to regenerate the tibia. Nonunion fracture on the brink of the middle and lower third of the tibia with varus deformity. Treatment completed, Andriy's bone fully restored.

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Ihor, 19. Treatment successfully completed

Ihor, 19. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded September 13, 2015, in Pisky (Donetsk region). As a consequence of high-explosive combat injuries. Mone for the treatment raised. All stages of treatment successfully completed.

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Volodymyr K, 44. Rehabilitation is in progress

Volodymyr K, 44. Rehabilitation is in progress

Injured at Starohnativky (Donetsk region). Right leg: nonunion fracture of the femur and the formation of a false joint at the hip. Money for the treatment raised.

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Oleksandr, 27. Treatment successfully completed

Oleksandr, 27. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded at Lutuhyne. As a consequence of shrapnel wounds, bone defect tarsus, varus deformity of the anterior right foot. Money for the treatment raised, the treatment has completed. Oleksandr is able to walk freely without any additional support. He is planning on returning to sports activities soon.

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Oleksandr K, 21. Fully recovered

Oleksandr K, 21. Fully recovered

Injured at Slavyanoserbsk. Enrolled in the project with torn cruciate knee ligaments. The treatment has successfully completed. Olexander is back to normal life. .

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Andriy T, 43. Treatment is successfully completed

Andriy T, 43. Treatment is successfully completed

Wounded at Pisky (Donetsk region.). Nonunion fracture of the third metacarpal bone with defect. Money for treatment raised.

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Vladislav, 45. Treatment in progress

Vladislav, 45. Treatment in progress

Wounded at Donetsk Airport. The consequence of explosive shrapnel injury to the right shoulder. Money for treatment raised.

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Dmytro, 25. Treatment successfully completed

Dmytro, 25. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded at Lugansk Airport. The consequences of a bullet wound to his left thigh, shortening of the femur by 3.5 cm. Money for the treatment raised. All stages of treatment successfully completed.

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Serhiy D, 40. Treatment completed, rehabilitation is in progress

Serhiy D, 40. Treatment completed, rehabilitation is in progress

Wounded near Avdeevka. Improperly healed fracture of the distal third of both bones of the right forearm. Surgical treatment has completed. Rehabilitation of Serhiy is now in progress.

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Oleksiy B, 31. The treatment stopped

Oleksiy B, 31. The treatment stopped

Wounded near Donetsk Airport. The consequences of an explosive shrapnel injury to the left leg. Oleksiy treatment on the project has stopped.

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Oleksandr B, 38. Treatment is in progress

Oleksandr B, 38. Treatment is in progress

Wounded near Avdeevka. Tangential defect to the upper third of the right tibia of 12 cm in length, soft tissue defect of the upper third of the right leg, 12x7 cm in size, shortening of the right leg by 7 cm. Funds for treatment raised.

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Oleksandr K, 32. Treatment successfully completed

Oleksandr K, 32. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded at Izvaryne. Nonunion fracture with displacement of the talus and nonunion calcaneus fracture with displacement and bone defect all are healed. The pain is over, Oleksander is back on his own feet.

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Oleksandr, 31. Treatment successfully completed

Oleksandr, 31. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded in Mariupol. Right leg: implications of a gunshot wound to the shin, regeneration of tibia bone loss to 8 cm. All stages of treatment successfully completed.

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Yuriy, 38. Fundraising for Yuriy’s treatment suspended

Yuriy, 38. Fundraising for Yuriy’s treatment suspended

The fighter withdrew from the project.

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Viktor D, 34. Treatment completed

Viktor D, 34. Treatment completed

Wounded in Slavyansk. Left leg: tibia osteomyelitis with an extensive purulent necrotic wound. All staged of Viktor's treatment successfully completed.

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Viktor A, 21. Treatment successfully completed

Viktor A, 21. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded at Donetsk Airport. Left leg: osteomyelitis of the left femur with a defect to 5 cm, nonunion fracture of the left tibia defect of 10 cm. All stages of treatment successfully completed.

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Oleh, 39. Treatment is successfully completed

Oleh, 39. Treatment is successfully completed

Wounded in Luhansk region. Right foot: osteomyelitis of 2, 3, 4 metatarsal bones, cicatricial defect on anterior of right foot. Treatment has begun. Oleg's treatments completed. Finally he can walk without assistance.

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Volodymyr, 31. Treatment completed

Volodymyr, 31. Treatment completed

Wounded in Savur-Mohyla. Nonunion fracture of the talus, exostosis of the rear of the foot. Funds for treatment raised.

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Valeriy K, 42. Treatment successfully completed

Valeriy K, 42. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded in Ilovaisk. Right forearm injuries as a consequence of explosive shrapnel. Improperly spliced fractures of the distal third of the right forearm with elbow strain. Scar contracture of the right combination radio-carpal joint and fingers. Funds for treatment raised.

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Yuriy Y, 25. Treatment successfully completed

Yuriy Y, 25. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded in Slavyansk. The consequences of explosive contusion injuries to the right leg, nonunion fracture of the right tibia and fibula bones with the verge of valgus deformity to the middle and lower thirds. Now tibia bone is fully fused. Yuriy's treatment is successfully completed.

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Roman B, 44. Treatment successfully completed

Roman B, 44. Treatment successfully completed

Wounded near Donetske village. Nonunion of a multi-fragmental intra-articular fracture of the distal third of the right humerus. The treatment within the project has completed.

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Serhiy L, 24. Fundraising for Serhiy’s treatment suspended

Serhiy L, 24. Fundraising for Serhiy’s treatment suspended

The fighter withdrew from the project.

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Oleh B, 47. Treatment completed

Oleh B, 47. Treatment completed

Wounded in Ilovaisk. Gunshot wound to the hip, 14 cm femoral defect. Doctors managed to fully restore the fractured bone. Oleg's treatment successfully completed.

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Vitaliy G, 37. Treatment is in progress

Vitaliy G, 37. Treatment is in progress

Wounded at Donetsk Airport. Requires treatment as a consequence of combat shrapnel wounds to both tibias and his right foot. Cost of treatment updated.

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Andriy, 40. Fully recovered

Andriy, 40. Fully recovered

A soldier with the Ukrainian Armed Forces Battalion Gorin, injured near the village of Hranitne. Andriy has made a full recovery and is helping the army as the volunteer.

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Ivan S, 32. Fully recovered

Ivan S, 32. Fully recovered

A fighter with the 24th Detached Mechanized Brigade, wounded near Zelenopillya (Luhansk region). The soldier is fully recovered.

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Vitaliy, 27. The wounded has refused treatment

Vitaliy, 27. The wounded has refused treatment

The fighter withdrew from the project.

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Sviatoslav, 46. Treatment completed, rehabilitation is in progress

Sviatoslav, 46. Treatment completed, rehabilitation is in progress

Wounded in Ilovaisky. Injury to the left shoulder, a defect of proximal third of the left humerus 8 cm long. The bones structure has restored. Now Sviatoslav is undergoing rehabilitation.

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Ruslan, 36. Fundraising for Ruslan’s treatment suspended

Ruslan, 36. Fundraising for Ruslan’s treatment suspended

The wounded withdrew from the project.

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Vasil, 38. Fully recovered

Vasil, 38. Fully recovered

Wounded near Georgiyivka. Proximal tibia defect (100-120 cm3), damaged knee joint. Fully recovered.

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Questions and answers

Questions and answers on method of payment and reporting

Raised: 30 742 512 UAH(745 542 USD)
Still needed 0 UAH(0 USD)
Spent 29 792 253 UAH(722 497 USD)
Balance 950 259 UAH(23 045 USD)
30 742 512 UAH (745 542 USD)
Sponsor contributions (payments directly to providers)
04/06/1890294 UAHSponsorship from the “Helping is Easy!” charitable Fund for the treatment of Valeriy
21/03/18124226 UAHSponsorship from the “Helping is Easy!” charitable Fund for the treatment of Petro
03/08/17100000 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr
15/05/17132636 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Roman, 36
12/05/17409220 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleksandr, 39
04/04/17106504 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Serhiy, 32
28/07/16371864 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Bohdan Z, 22
19/07/16611899 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr S, 37
06/07/16398434 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr G., 33
24/06/16310049 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Yuriy R, 52
27/05/16349260 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleksiy M, 32
11/04/16322119 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Andriy B, 40
14/03/16157000 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Dmytro B, 25
22/02/16263999 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Bogdan V, 25
20/01/1652439 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleh, 39
20/01/16210568 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Viktor A, 21
20/01/16239325.7 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr K, 44
19/01/16256580 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleksiy B, 31
11/01/16255496 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Ihor, 19
22/12/15108890 UAHAndriy Y, 43 half of the sum (108890.9 UAH) of the required 217,274 UAH for private treatment
03/12/15141133 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleksandr K, 32.
03/12/15146026 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleg, 23.
30/11/15250783 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleksandr B, 38
04/11/15132420 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleksandr, 31.
Total: 5 541 165 UAH (134 380 USD)
11/05/1512:439.18 USDUAdemo*
11/05/1506:5980.28 USDCAAnon*
08/05/1515:2923.65 USDUSrko.*
08/05/1515:1523.65 USDUSrko.*
08/05/1514:1950.00 USDUSmmar*
06/05/1515:4425.00 USDUSsoas*
06/05/1515:3725.00 USDUSdman*
06/05/1512:129.18 USDUAon54*
05/05/1518:179.18 USDIEoxse*
04/05/1516:214.95 USDSEAnon*
30/04/1509:46296.87 USDUAAnon*
29/04/1511:0247.10 USDCAAnon*
29/04/1507:0524.74 USDUAAnon*
29/04/1506:319.18 USDUAmeln*
29/04/1506:3149.48 USDUAyalu*
29/04/1506:161.60 USDUArumy*
29/04/1506:159.18 USDUAyask*
29/04/1503:5723.40 USDUAAnon*
27/04/1521:34100.00 USDUSturc*
27/04/1509:05197.91 USDCAl_be*
23/04/1511:3998.96 USDCAst05*
22/04/1509:3925.00 USDUSsush*
19/04/1501:3349.48 USDUAvlad*
16/04/1511:4598.96 USDNLgjh1*
16/04/1508:4724.74 USDLVafff*
15/04/1503:5717.80 USDUAAnon*
14/04/1506:544.44 USDUAyuno*
08/04/1506:3198.96 USDAUalex*
02/04/1511:34296.87 USDUAAnon*
31/03/1522:4649.48 USDUAAnon*
31/03/1512:4549.48 USDATgerh*
30/03/1522:2498.96 USDUSgsem*
28/03/1507:1550.00 USDUSAnon*
27/03/1516:232.55 USDUArise*
27/03/1512:419.18 USDUAmary*
27/03/1511:3550.00 USDUSAnon*
23/03/1523:5050.00 USDUSpavl*
18/03/1522:4950.00 USDUScher*
13/03/1511:2098.96 USDNLgjh1*
13/03/1505:2947.10 USDUAruse*
15 014.90 USD
* USD 15014.90 equivalent UAH 619 140.90 NBU exchange rate
* Commission payments via 2.2% + 2.0% + $0.30

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Settlement account 26004053210825
01/02/2218:38500 UAH
23/01/2221:06100 UAH
04/01/2205:01500 UAH
29/12/2120:53150 UAH
24/12/2105:17100 UAH
22/12/2116:051 000 UAH
01/12/2118:48500 UAH
22/11/2113:24100 UAH
01/11/2118:54500 UAH
Totally (with regard to the amount of the fee*): 24 384 319.00 UAH (591 349 USD)
* LiqPay payment commission for Visa and MasterCard holders of all Ukrainian banks is 0%.
* Currency is converted automatically into Ukrainian hryvnias at the moment of transfer.

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29 792 253 UAH (722 497 USD)
Current project spending
25/06/2018Maksym,37 First stage of treatment 67 722.00paid
27/04/2018Volodymyr, 55. Full treatment1 324 708.00paid
21/03/2018Valeriy, 52. Full treatment1 90 294.00paid
21/03/2018Petro K., 25. Full treatment1 124 226.00paid
03/10/2017Yevhen, 38. Full treatment1 56 607.00paid
27/09/2017Volodymyr, 45. Full treatment1 87 318.00paid
08/08/2017Volodymyr, 44. Full treatment. 1 672 268.00paid
19/07/2017Sergiy, 41. Full treatment 1 399 342.00paid
27/06/2017Petro, 23. Partial payment-- 1 094 088.00paid
12/06/2017Dmytro, 45. Full treatment1 512 309.00paid
05/04/2017Sergiy, 32. Full treatment1 106 504.00paid, waiting for documents
13/01/2017Vasyl M, 42. Full treatment1 545 260.00paid
29/12/2016Ihor F, 24 year old. Partial payment -- 778 063.00paid
18/11/2016Sergiy M, 31. Full treatment.1 603 338.00paid
08/11/2016Dmytro Zh., 25. Partial payment-- 182 635.00paid
31/10/2016Vitaliy A., 26. Full treatment. 1 667 248.00paid
27/10/2016Sergiy К., 40. Partial payment-- 807 818.00paid
26/10/2016Oleksandr H, 39. Full payment1 511 620.00paid
06/10/2016Bogdan Z., 22. Full treatment.1 371 864.00paid
04/10/2016Evhen S, 31. Full treatment1 755 484.00paid
03/10/2016Oleksandr S, 43. Full treatment1 124 071.00paid
23/09/2016Roman G., 26. Fill treatment1 781 472.50paid
26/08/2016Oleksandr M, 37. Full treatment.1 771 357.00paid
23/08/2016Oleg D., 37. Full treatment1 77 269.00paid
22/08/2016Pavlo K, 34. Full treatment1 75 200.00paid, waiting for documents
15/08/2016Roman S, 35. Full treatment 1 234 308.00paid
03/08/2016Petro B., 24 years old. Full treatment.1 192 800.00paid
12/07/2016Victor L., 24 years old. Full treatment.1 132 004.00paid
24/06/2016Volodymyr S, 37. Full treatment.1 665 345.00paid
26/05/2016Vitaliy K., 26. Full treatment1 437 774.00paid
23/05/2016Yuriy R, 52. Full payment.1 355 170.00paid
17/05/2016Volodymyr F, 36. Full treatment.1 811 542.00paid
11/05/2016Funds raised via Classy. To be transferred to the project's account.-- 145 720.00waiting for tranfer
27/04/2016Volodymyr G., 33. Full treatment. 1 398 434.00paid
20/04/2016Bogdan V, 25 years old. Full treatment. 1 263 999.00paid
19/04/2016Oleksiy M, 32. Full treatment -- 349 260.00paid
19/04/2016Oleksandr P., 28 full treatment1 512 056.00paid
08/04/2016Oleh K, 39. Full treatment1 435 434.00paid, waiting for documents
01/04/2016Andriy Bortniychuk, 40. Full treatment.1 586 269.00paid
24/03/2016Andriy S, 41 years old. Full treatment.-- 354 064.00paid
09/03/2016Oleksandr H, 27. Full treatmen.1 300 300.00paid
17/02/2016Volodymyr K., 44 years old. Full treatment.1 447 396.00paid
03/02/2016Andriy T., 43 years old. Full treatment (half of the sum paid by Andriy).1 287 762.00paid
26/01/2016Ihor Sh., 19 year old. Full treatment. 1 521 958.00paid
26/01/2016Dmytro B., 25 years old. Full treatment.1 346 551.00paid
22/01/2016Oleksandr K, 21. Full treatment.1 69 100.00paid
21/01/2016Vladislav S., 45 years old. Full treatment -- 471 264.00paid
06/01/2016Serhiy D, 40. Full treatment1 180 021.00paid
16/12/2015Viktor A., 21 years old. Full treatment1 817 868.00paid
17/11/2015Oleksandr B., 38 years old. Full treatment.1 550 148.00paid
09/11/2015Oleksiy B, 31years old. Full treatment.1 597 970.00paid
09/11/2015Oleksandr К, 31 years old. Full treatment.1 273 153.00paid
12/10/2015Oleksandr K, 32 years old. Full treatment.1 547 293.00paid
02/10/2015Yuri Y, 25 years old. Full treatment.1 212 270.00paid
18/09/2015Volodymyr G., years old. Full treatment.1 221 283.00paid
14/09/2015Viktor D, 34 years old. Full treatment.1 170 772.00paid
11/09/2015Valeriy K, 42 years old. Full treatment.1 179 363.00paid
30/07/2015Vitaliy G., 37 years old. Full treatment.1 1 333 326.00paid
28/07/2015Svyatoslav G., 46 years old. Full treatment.1 585 079.00paid
20/07/2015Roman B., 44 years old. Full treatment.1 344 613.00paid
19/06/2015Oleh B., 47 years old. Full treatment.1 488 167.00paid
18/06/2015Oleksandr P., 25 years old. Full treatment. 1 435 364.00paid
14/06/2015Andriy S., 40 years old. Full treatment.1 231 421.00paid
08/06/2015Evhen G., 25 years old. Full treatment.1 194 818.00paid
20/05/2015Ivan S., 32 years old. Full treatment.1 349 051.00paid
23/04/2015Oleg S., 23 years old. Full treatment.1 552 906.00paid
03/03/2015Money raised via PayPal. Transferred to Individual First Aid Kit-- 130 165.16paid
25/02/2015Vasyl Z., 38 years old. Full treatment.1 321 987.00paid
14/01/2015Volodymyr D., 19 years old. Full treatment.1 141 966.00paid
14/01/2015Sergiy V., 38 years old. Full treatment.1 186 199.00paid
10/12/2014Andriy B., 23 years old. Full treatment.1 289 677.00paid
25/11/2014Oleksandr B., 36 years old. I and II stages of treatment1 85 995.00paid
14/11/2014Mykhailo M., 21 years old. Full treatment.1 201 698.00paid
14/11/2014Oleh T., 24 years old. Full treatment.1 94 004.00paid
14/11/2014Roman Z., 36 years old. Full treatment.1 381 501.00paid
24/10/2014Sergiy S, 26 years old. Full treatment1 147 024.00paid
24/10/2014Victor D., 36 years old. Full treatment1 219 286.00paid
13/10/2014Yuriy S., 28 years old. Full treatment (including rehabilitation). 1 421 269.00paid
Total: 29 792 252.66 UAH (722 497 USD)