Dear friends, as the year comes to its end, at People’s Project, like Santa’s helpers, we receive more and more requests coming from our military. The units sited in the forefront holding the positions, ask us to supply them with various stuff which the authorities either cannot provide or just send these at the wrong time.
The list itself looks not that festive. First of all, they request the most ordinary everyday things like power generators and chainsaws necessary in fortifying their positions. Also, all kinds of wires, antennas and gear they need to repair and maintain their communication systems. Besides, a recon unit requested some special stuff. The guys need certain electronic devices to plan and carry out their combat missions, not to mention some minor stuff. We mean tablets, power cells, special professional flashlights, various outfit items and snowsuits, and tires.
We are going to gradually the entire list of necessities in the Rapid Response project description. We urge you to join in the initiative as well. The war is still far from its completion. So supporting our military who, instead of peaceful days with their families, had chosen to serve their country and to reside in the frosty fields of Eastern Ukraine to protect our comfortable life in peace, is the matter of high importance and unceasing significance.