Recently, a honoring ceremony dedicated to awarding the winners of...
Recently, a honoring ceremony dedicated to awarding the winners of the “Charitable Mykolaiv region 2017” competition took place. This contest was held for the first time, and it lasted for four months. Winners have been chosen among 61 nominees that competed in 7 categories. The aim of the contest was estimation of the benefactors’ input throughout the year of 2017.
We, the all-Ukrainian volunteer center People’s Project, have won in the “Charity in Medical Sphere” nomination. Actually, the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project constitutes the most responsible part of our activities which demands perhaps the lion’s share of the funds raised. It is thanks to your benevolent donations, dear friends, and the ilaya clinic’s skilled doctors we are able to carry on restoration of the severely wounded fighters abandoned by conventional medicine.
Naturally, the purpose of our work is beyond getting awarded. Still we do get these from time to time; also, we remain the leaders of the National Charity Ranking. This has become possible due to our open and transparent work. We never get any cash as all your donations are accumulated on the corresponding projects’ accounts. Similarly, we never take any commissions or get any percentage: irrespectively of the sum you transfer, it gets displayed in a project report in an unaltered state.
We are sincerely grateful to each of you for the incredible trust you put in us: both to those who donated just ten hryvnias and those who did not hesitate to give hundreds of thousands – all these actions got imprinted in our fatherland’s current history. Let us do our best. Step by step, with our small doings we are together changing our own future to the better.