The fighters of the Special Forces unit of the 17th Tank Brigade have sent us another set of pictures from their sniper life. Here are they holding their positions, here is a life scene from the back lines, and there is a pic of Sophie, the same cute dog they showed us as a pup some time ago.
In our turn, we are keeping in mind the snipers’ needs. After Vadym Sukharevskyi’s visit we have a few snowsuits left, – we kept these specially for the snipers, so now we are sending the suits to the forefront as well. Despite this winter seems lacking snow a bit, we are sure that the guys will successfully use those snow suits in practice.
Being supportive for our fighters is rather easy. Sometimes, as you can see, they lack winter outfit including snow shirts. Sometimes the guys need an ordinary saw to cut firewood. Occasionally, they require thermal imager or night vision device to detect the enemy in time. All this equipment has been bought by People’s Project at the expense of your donations accumulated within the Rapid Response initiative. Often even a few hryvnias’ contribution proves highly important: so if you feel non-indifferent to the outcome of this war and care about your own children’s future and their prospective of being not just speechless slaves but rightful citizens of their country, then we are sure you will not leave our military men without your backing.