Recently we have told you about про Dmytro, one of the Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project’s latest patients. The man applied to the Project for assistance in restoration of his elbow destroyed by an enemy gunshot, by means of cell technologies and with the help of the Project doctors’ skills.
Dmytro got injured last spring in Promka (industry zone in Avdiivka outskirts). An injured joint got fused haphazardly, so the malformation of bone splints instead of a natural joint can hardly be called normal. Today an injured limb just hangs down helplessly, and the affected area is kept together by means of an external fixation apparatus. Methods invented by Volodymyr Oksymets and the team of biologists for restoration of the most complicated large-scale bone defects, promise that on completing his treatment Dmytro will be able to return to full life.
And here is Volodymyr, a paratrooper with the 25th Separate Dnipro Airborne Brigade, – today he is the latest one who joined the Biotech project. He got wounded about three months ago: a 120 mm artillery mine went off in just a few meters near him. He was lucky enough to stay alive, but shrapnel cut his body severely, almost cutting his arm off. Within the short period of time the guy started to undergo his treatment under the project; for now Volodymyr has already underwent two major surgeries.
Volodymyr Oksymets says that the largest fragment of the bone that stayed uninjured, got necrotic and had to be removed immediately. The remains of other bones look problematic as well, and time will tell whether it is possible to save at least some of them. For today, the situation appears absolutely incredible as in both ulna and radius there left only a few centimeters bone fragments adjacent to the joint. All this dubious structure is being kept together with an external fixation apparatus.
Still, Volodymyr Mykhaylovych is full of balanced optimism, and practice proves that there are certain grounds to feel so. Over time, doctors are going to grow two large bone fragments for Volodymyr’s arm, – in fact, these will constitute totally new bones of his arm. They will recompense the defect, and for new bones to get assimilated and fused, doctors at the ilaya clinic will apply specially cultivated cell cultures taken from the patient’s own tissues. This treatment gives maximum chances for restoration – recuperation of the wounded arm, rebuilding destroyed bones and renewal of a full life.
Volodymyr himself is smiling now – he got inspired which in given circumstances makes almost the most decisive factor for rehabilitation, on the part of a patient. He got better after the last surgeries and left hospital for some time. Meanwhile we, the volunteers at People’s ProjectPeople’s Project, are busy doing our share of work. And what a queer situation we have found themselves in. Ordinary doctors, specialists, respectful medical scientists, and even a young but honored professor who is teaching young doctors (our devoted supporter, by the way) are really enthusiastic about the Biotech’s methods and interested in finding possibilities to put them into practice. Naturally, in our country a successful and scientifically reasoned use of cell technologies makes a true breakthrough. Absolutely unique restorative technique that we have to be proud of, can be essentially helpful for those abandoned by current conventional medicine. But new executives at the Ministry of health seems cannot agree to this: they impede both state support and (as a minimum) examination and implementation of these treatment methods. That is why those Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded project’s participants, those the worst injured soldiers who are now facing non-illusory amputations and lifetime maim, can be treated at the expense of people’s donations solely. And each hryvnia of your contributions to the Project gives our defenders hope for a full normal life. So dear friends, we are begging you once again: please never cease your support. Because your kindheartedness is the only thing that does save offended lives nowadays.
Сам Володимир вже посміхається – чоловік отримав надію, а в даних умовах це чи не найголовніший фактор одужання з боку самого пацієнта. Трохи оклигав після операцій і поки рушив додому. Ми ж, волонтери People’s Project, тим часом, виконуємо свою частину роботи. І от яка дивна склалася ситуація. Рядові лікарі, вузькопрофільні фахівці, поважні медичні науковці, ба навіть як мінімум один молодий, але дуже поважний професор, що навчає майбутніх лікарів (про прихильність якого ми знаємо точно), з дуже великою цікавістю ставляться до методів «Біотеху» та можливості використовувати їх у широкій практиці. Ще б пак, адже для нашої країни успішне, науково обґрунтоване використання клітинних технологій – і справді прорив. Абсолютно унікальна медична розробка, якою можна заслужено пишатися, може допомагати тим людям, яких традиційна медицина насьогодні вилікувати безсила. Та нові очільники Мінохорони здоров’я так не вважають: вони повністю блокують державне фінансування чи навіть просто вивчення і впровадження цих методів лікування. Саме тому учасників проекту «Біотех-реабілітація поранених», найтяжчих поранених, яким неілюзорно світять ампутації та каліцтво, ми можемо лікувати виключно коштом народних пожертв. Кожна гривня ваших внесків на рахунку проектів – надія на повноцінне життя для наших захисників. Тож друзі, вкотре просимо: не спиняйтесь. Ваше милосердя і справді рятує скалічені життя.