There is a new video about the victory of the Ukrainians in the European cross-fit Championship available on a Facebook.
It was reported by The People’s Project about the European cross-fit Championship, which took place in Hungary during the November 26-27 of 2016. The winners of the championship are the volunteers Valeriy Kysel, Olena Savchenko and their colleague from Odessa Olexandr Yaroshchuk. They performed seven complexes of survival exercises and won the competition among the 60 other teams.
We are proud of our volunteers and encourage to support them as the trainers of The Elite Training for Military Project. The project is designed to prepare the universal soldiers for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In terms of the project there were prepared forty coaches, who now spread their knowledge among the colleagues at the military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
This is a huge contribution for the strong and resilient Ukrainian army. Join the project to help the fearless Ukrainian soldiers become stronger and protect Ukraine better.