The clinical-technological challenges in step-by-step reconstructive surgery, gunshot and domestic wounds, electric welding and joining of the living tissue, diabetic foot”, – that was the topic of the scientific conference, held at the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During the conference medical specialists were able to make a report. Those were the doctors, who work for the past three years together with the volunteers of The People’s Project and helped to put seriously wounded patients back on their own feet.
The chief combustiologists of Ukraine Professor Georgiy Kozynets
Most of the conference was devoted to the presentation of orthopedic traumatologist Volodymyr Oksymets MD, who was the first to introduce cellular technologies to medical practice. Thanks to the efforts of Volodymyr Oksymets in cooperation with the volunteers of The People’s Project the establishment and further successful existence of The Bioengineering Rehabilitation of Wounded Project was possible. During this project medical professionals learned how to grow new bones and save almost hopeless patients from amputations. Report of the doctor was dedicated to the topic “The cellular technology in the treatment of the effects of combat injuries of the limbs.”
Volodymyr Oksymets during his presentation
The Bioengineering Rehabilitation of Wounded Project was not the only topic of the conference. The next ones presenting were chief combustiologists of Ukraine, Professor Georgiy Kozynets MD and the Assistant of the Department of Surgery number 2 of The Bogomolets National Medical University surgeon Oleg Petrenko PhD. Those scientists along with the volunteers of The People’s Project contributed to the creation of The Skin Bank Project, and still using the materials of it to treat the wounded. During The Skin Bank Project biologists of The Ilaya Clinic have created a reserve of cellular materials for treatment of the severe burn injuries. The Project is financed at the expense of the donations, collected by the volunteer center The People’s Project. The project was established according to the needs of the military and for the treatment of combat injuries. Sometimes it helps to save lives of the civil citizens as well.
Coordinator of the The Bioengineering Rehabilitation of Wounded Project at the The Ilaya Cloinic Stanislav Kushnarov
We hope that after a thorough, intense and really interesting reports of the experienced specialists the scientific community will pay attention to the new technologies, and approach the treatment of combat injuries considering the unique advanced treatment technology. But the high-tech treatment is not financed by the government, because of the bureaucratic reasons. So the treatments of the wounded defenders of Ukraine can only be financed by the people’s donations. Get involved with The Bioengineering Rehabilitation of Wounded Project to help the wounded defenders get back to normal.