Due to the fact Ukraine shares maritime borders with the aggressor Russia the likelihood of sabotage from the sea is always high. Terrorists have fired repeatedly on the boats of the Ukrainian border guards and maritime security unit and left mines in the area. Around this time last year artillery fire destroyed a boat used for marine protection. Also near Mariupol a fisherman was killed after hitting a mine. As part of the project Bioengineering Rehabilitation for Wounded, The People’s Project treated one of the border guard’s injured in the attack on the boat, Evhen. He received numerous injuries during the attack on his boat by Russian terrorists under Novoazovsk. Repeatedly enemy boats have sailed into the waters of the port of Mariupol. Therefore we are aware of this threat and are prepared to repel the aggressor.
The situation with the protection of Ukraine’s maritime border is complicated by the fact most special equipment and the schools, which train specialists were all based in occupied Crimea. Fortunately, volunteers who have years of experience in professional diving training intervened and developed their own curriculum for tht training of military divers. The first students were fighters from the Mariupol Maritime Security Unit.
Ukrainian channel STB covered the training in a news story (in Ukrainian):
The first part of training was held in a swimming pool where the divers practiced exercises on the use and possession of equipment, stress tests, raised their general skill levels and prepared for training in the Azov Sea.
The instructor helps a diver return to his natural habitat.
And then the students spent a week training at sea. The program, developed by volunteers, is meant to prepare the military to face real threats. Therefore, among the tasks performed by divers included saving wounded in the water, surveying the waters for foreign objects, teamwork, and elements of anti-subersive training. Visibility in the Azov Sea on average is no more than 20 centimeters, so soldiers had to learn to navigate underwater blindly.
The project has also attracted the attention of Ukrainian news outlet 112 (in Ukrainian)
Volunteers have put inHerculean efforts in preparation for the course sessions. Fortunately, the enthusiasm of the military divers, fully justified the work carried out by the volunteers.
All instructors involved in the training of tdivers working solely on their own enthusiasm, without receiving a penny and, in addition to the energy and free time they invested in the project, some even gave some of their own money. The People’s Project as part of the School of Military Divers continues to raise funds exclusively for training divers, the purchase of essential equipment and fees for the swimming pool. So any support for the project is appreciated. Just click the green button and we will be one step closer to victory.