For the past year we have looked to save though our bioengineering rehabilitation project the limbs of more than 400 wounded soldiers. From that number, just 50 came to Ilaya, with all managing to keep their limbs. The other guys, who on the advice of “good people” refused our medical treatment and have long since parted with their limbs. Meanwhile, the patients in our clinic are recovering one-by-one, 15 are cured completely and more than 30 – are in various stages of treatment, but showing positive results.
This week we held a meeting between the volunteers and doctors from private clinics and public hospitals. Due to the fact the meeting had no set format, a lively and emotional debate between doctors of biotechnology and orthopedic specialists who are skeptical of the merits of the treatment.
What is the argument “for” Biotech-rehabilitation that could convince an otherwise experienced surgeon, you can see and hear from orthopedic traumatologist of the highest caliber, Volodymyr Oksymets (in Russian):
The ongoing arguing between physicians that promote different treatments – is a good thing! Because it unites the experts in one common cause – trying to cure a person, not just cut off a limb and replace it with a prosthesis. Of course with modern prosthetic limbs people can lead a more or less normal life. But they are for people who cannot have their arms or legs saved, not for people with lesser injuries who are made amputees due to the beliefs and inexperience of a military doctor.
Remember that biotech-rehabilitation is already a well-established practice. Ilaya’s team of doctors have more than 12 years experience in saving the limbs of injured Donetsk miners. There has yet to be a case of the treatment failing. The treatment of wounded fighters has been taking place for almost a year and the results are striking. This suggests the technology is effective and requires access at the state level.
In the clinic at the moment is wounded soldier Oleksandr Babyrik. He was also saved from amputation. How? See for yourself (in Ukrainian):
Despite the fact that bureaucracy does not allow fighters to choose alternative treatments, except prosthetics, we are able to intervene to help people through our combined efforts.