When we started the Covers for Grad project, many did not understand why they are necessary and were generally reluctant to support the project. But the situation has changed and now we have sufficient funds to close all orders that we have received to date for the project.
Those units that have already received covers are very satisfied, and thank everyone who supported the project. Those for whom covers are being sewn for by our partners are looking forward to them. In most cases Ukrainian rocket artillery units are outdated, have not been covered, are a little rusty and prone to break downs. Thanks to your support of the Cover for Grad project, we can change the situation slightly. Now another 22 covers are in production and will be given to the gunners soon.
We add a small photo report from the 28th Brigade showing a BM-21 being transported. See how well the cover protect the system from dust and moisture.
There remains a small shortfall in getting the necessary funds so get involved, your help is appreciated.