In connection with Ruslan’s refusal of treatment as part of the “Bioengineering rehabilitation for wounded” project, the intended treatment funds will be distributed among other injured soldiers.
This week Ruslan, a 39th brigade soldier, was to get the first phase of the treatment of a his leg. Doctors had to normalize foot atrophism and save it from amputation. However, a few days before surgery, on the recommendation of volunteers who care for him, Ruslan decided not to be treated as part of the “Bioengineering rehabilitation for wounded” project.
Already funds contributed into the project will be used to help the soldier Oleg, who fought in ATO zone. He has one of the most serious injuries in our project – ununited hip fracture defect and loss of bone of 3 cm and a fracture of the humerus with a 12 cm loss or defect. Oleg’s treatment will be technologically complex and include four-six phases (each of which may consists of several operations).