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Відповіді на запитання

Відповіді на запитання по способам оплати та звітності

Зібрано 30 747 663 грн
Залишилось зібрати 0 грн
Витрачено 29 792 253 грн
Залишок коштів 955 411 грн
30 747 663 грн
Спонсорська допомога (оплата постачальникам напряму)
04/06/1890294 UAHSponsorship from the “Helping is Easy!” charitable Fund for the treatment of Valeriy
21/03/18124226 UAHSponsorship from the “Helping is Easy!” charitable Fund for the treatment of Petro
03/08/17100000 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr
15/05/17132636 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Roman, 36
12/05/17409220 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleksandr, 39
04/04/17106504 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Serhiy, 32
28/07/16371864 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Bohdan Z, 22
19/07/16611899 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr S, 37
06/07/16398434 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr G., 33
24/06/16310049 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Yuriy R, 52
27/05/16349260 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleksiy M, 32
11/04/16322119 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Andriy B, 40
14/03/16157000 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Dmytro B, 25
22/02/16263999 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Bogdan V, 25
20/01/1652439 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleh, 39
20/01/16210568 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Viktor A, 21
20/01/16239325.7 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Volodymyr K, 44
19/01/16256580 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Oleksiy B, 31
11/01/16255496 UAHSponsorship for treatment of Ihor, 19
22/12/15108890 UAHAndriy Y, 43 half of the sum (108890.9 UAH) of the required 217,274 UAH for private treatment
03/12/15141133 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleksandr K, 32.
03/12/15146026 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleg, 23.
30/11/15250783 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleksandr B, 38
04/11/15132420 UAHSponsorship for the treatment of Oleksandr, 31.
Разом: 5 541 165 грн
Classy.org надходження
16/09/1608:2598.96 USDNLgjh1*
06/09/1613:3047.10 USDRUathu*
05/09/1605:4498.96 USDGBAnon*
03/09/1611:2395.50 USDUSaleg*
01/09/1602:119.89 USDDEvdfr*
30/08/1611:52150.00 USDUSAnon*
29/08/1623:2150.00 USDUSAnon*
27/08/1623:4225.00 USDUSAnon*
22/08/1607:1449.48 USDSKAnon*
19/08/1613:1450.00 USDUSvita*
16/08/1610:0998.96 USDNLgjh1*
09/08/1610:4947.10 USDITvale*
09/08/1601:5623.40 USDDKAnon*
08/08/1614:2149.48 USDDKAnon*
08/08/1613:3325.00 USDUSa.on*
08/08/1613:274.44 USDPLbohd*
08/08/1607:4024.74 USDDEAnon*
02/08/1605:464.44 USDPLAnon*
01/08/1622:0428.44 USDUStety*
31/07/1623:3825.00 USDUSAnon*
31/07/1623:2898.96 USDUAAnon*
31/07/1605:0594.50 USDITvale*
29/07/1611:029.18 USDUAoles*
29/07/1602:5095.50 USDUSigov*
28/07/1620:1650.00 USDUSobre*
28/07/1609:30100.00 USDUSAnon*
21/07/1614:0594.50 USDUAserg*
20/07/1613:2547.10 USDITbryl*
18/07/1610:5898.96 USDCAolki*
15/07/1610:534.44 USDUAbmyk*
14/07/1611:1698.96 USDNLgjh1*
29/06/1615:38287.10 USDUSNata*
28/06/1616:4398.96 USDUAirne*
24/06/1610:1618.66 USDCZAnon*
21/06/1600:1094.50 USDUAAnon*
20/06/1606:3813.92 USDUAecri*
19/06/1621:4325.00 USDUSartu*
17/06/1604:0098.96 USDNLgjh1*
16/06/1610:3513.92 USDUAAnon*
12/06/1606:4849.48 USDNLomel*
15 014.90 USD
* 15014.90 USD еквівалент 624 292.52 грн. за курсом НБУ
* Комісія з платежів через Classy.org складає 2.2% + 2.0% + $0.30

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PayPal надходження
06/02/1514:5619.06 USDTRlena*
05/02/1518:11212.66 USDDEmich*
03/02/1510:5248.10 USDDEviaz*
03/02/1503:44150.00 USDUSdtvi*
03/02/1503:44146.40 USDUSdtvi*
02/02/1512:494.54 USDGBlacr*
01/02/1522:5933.58 USDDEvery*
01/02/1522:5196.50 USDNZrhar*
01/02/1520:0128.74 USDCAchek*
01/02/1513:4296.50 USDFIdmit*
01/02/1512:1019.06 USDUAsacr*
01/02/1511:53290.10 USDUAniki*
01/02/1511:35290.10 USDCAvlad*
01/02/1511:3148.10 USDSEyevh*
01/02/1511:1448.10 USDFRyars*
01/02/1511:13977.70 USDUSnew_*
01/02/1511:0197.50 USDUSandr*
31/01/1517:5696.50 USDCAtims*
31/01/1507:099.38 USDAUevil*
28/01/1523:4424.15 USDUSookr*
28/01/1517:1296.50 USDCAkser*
27/01/1512:3072.30 USDGBlesy*
26/01/1500:5396.50 USDRUrodi*
23/01/1523:3114.22 USDDEalin*
23/01/1519:5671.09 USDUSalx.*
22/01/1510:195.51 USDUAlmok*
20/01/1514:5428.74 USDAEhell*
19/01/1521:0448.60 USDUSandr*
17/01/1514:4148.60 USDUShirn*
17/01/1514:4148.60 USDUShirn*
17/01/1514:4148.60 USDUShirn*
17/01/1514:4148.60 USDUShirn*
16/01/1521:414.54 USDITvale*
16/01/1504:46290.10 USDCAslon*
14/01/1519:3419.06 USDDEmaks*
14/01/1515:439.38 USDDEcvan*
14/01/1513:4723.90 USDAEanis*
13/01/1520:2848.60 USDUScher*
12/01/1506:4897.50 USDUSoleg*
08/01/1518:4519.06 USDRUosha*
4 992.20 USD
* 4992.20 USD що на дату конвертації (03.03.2015) становило 130165.16 грн.
* Комісія з платежів через PayPal складає від 0.3% до 7.4% + $0.30

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Сервер повернув пусту відповідь.

Розрахунковий рахунок 26004053210825
02/03/1512:463 000 UAH
02/03/1512:081 000 UAH
02/03/1511:57200 UAH ******7175
02/03/1511:397 000 UAH ******5804
02/03/1503:02200 UAH
01/03/1522:55100 UAH ******4815
28/02/1514:42104 UAH
27/02/1520:362 000 UAH ******1314
26/02/1523:22400 UAH ******9290
Разом (з урахуванням сплати комісії*): 24 384 319.00 грн
Комісія за платежі через LiqPay для власників карт Visa та MasterCard усіх українських банків становить 0%.
* Конвертація валюти відбувається автоматично на момент проведення операції.

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29 792 253 грн
Поточні витрати по проекту
25/06/2018Maksym,37 First stage of treatment 67 722.00paid
27/04/2018Volodymyr, 55. Full treatment1 324 708.00paid
21/03/2018Valeriy, 52. Full treatment1 90 294.00paid
21/03/2018Petro K., 25. Full treatment1 124 226.00paid
03/10/2017Yevhen, 38. Full treatment1 56 607.00paid
27/09/2017Volodymyr, 45. Full treatment1 87 318.00paid
08/08/2017Volodymyr, 44. Full treatment. 1 672 268.00paid
19/07/2017Sergiy, 41. Full treatment 1 399 342.00paid
27/06/2017Petro, 23. Partial payment-- 1 094 088.00paid
12/06/2017Dmytro, 45. Full treatment1 512 309.00paid
05/04/2017Sergiy, 32. Full treatment1 106 504.00paid, waiting for documents
13/01/2017Vasyl M, 42. Full treatment1 545 260.00paid
29/12/2016Ihor F, 24 year old. Partial payment -- 778 063.00paid
18/11/2016Sergiy M, 31. Full treatment.1 603 338.00paid
08/11/2016Dmytro Zh., 25. Partial payment-- 182 635.00paid
31/10/2016Vitaliy A., 26. Full treatment. 1 667 248.00paid
27/10/2016Sergiy К., 40. Partial payment-- 807 818.00paid
26/10/2016Oleksandr H, 39. Full payment1 511 620.00paid
06/10/2016Bogdan Z., 22. Full treatment.1 371 864.00paid
04/10/2016Evhen S, 31. Full treatment1 755 484.00paid
03/10/2016Oleksandr S, 43. Full treatment1 124 071.00paid
23/09/2016Roman G., 26. Fill treatment1 781 472.50paid
26/08/2016Oleksandr M, 37. Full treatment.1 771 357.00paid
23/08/2016Oleg D., 37. Full treatment1 77 269.00paid
22/08/2016Pavlo K, 34. Full treatment1 75 200.00paid, waiting for documents
15/08/2016Roman S, 35. Full treatment 1 234 308.00paid
03/08/2016Petro B., 24 years old. Full treatment.1 192 800.00paid
12/07/2016Victor L., 24 years old. Full treatment.1 132 004.00paid
24/06/2016Volodymyr S, 37. Full treatment.1 665 345.00paid
26/05/2016Vitaliy K., 26. Full treatment1 437 774.00paid
23/05/2016Yuriy R, 52. Full payment.1 355 170.00paid
17/05/2016Volodymyr F, 36. Full treatment.1 811 542.00paid
11/05/2016Funds raised via Classy. To be transferred to the project's account.-- 145 720.00waiting for tranfer
27/04/2016Volodymyr G., 33. Full treatment. 1 398 434.00paid
20/04/2016Bogdan V, 25 years old. Full treatment. 1 263 999.00paid
19/04/2016Oleksiy M, 32. Full treatment -- 349 260.00paid
19/04/2016Oleksandr P., 28 full treatment1 512 056.00paid
08/04/2016Oleh K, 39. Full treatment1 435 434.00paid, waiting for documents
01/04/2016Andriy Bortniychuk, 40. Full treatment.1 586 269.00paid
24/03/2016Andriy S, 41 years old. Full treatment.-- 354 064.00paid
09/03/2016Oleksandr H, 27. Full treatmen.1 300 300.00paid
17/02/2016Volodymyr K., 44 years old. Full treatment.1 447 396.00paid
03/02/2016Andriy T., 43 years old. Full treatment (half of the sum paid by Andriy).1 287 762.00paid
26/01/2016Ihor Sh., 19 year old. Full treatment. 1 521 958.00paid
26/01/2016Dmytro B., 25 years old. Full treatment.1 346 551.00paid
22/01/2016Oleksandr K, 21. Full treatment.1 69 100.00paid
21/01/2016Vladislav S., 45 years old. Full treatment -- 471 264.00paid
06/01/2016Serhiy D, 40. Full treatment1 180 021.00paid
16/12/2015Viktor A., 21 years old. Full treatment1 817 868.00paid
17/11/2015Oleksandr B., 38 years old. Full treatment.1 550 148.00paid
09/11/2015Oleksiy B, 31years old. Full treatment.1 597 970.00paid
09/11/2015Oleksandr К, 31 years old. Full treatment.1 273 153.00paid
12/10/2015Oleksandr K, 32 years old. Full treatment.1 547 293.00paid
02/10/2015Yuri Y, 25 years old. Full treatment.1 212 270.00paid
18/09/2015Volodymyr G., years old. Full treatment.1 221 283.00paid
14/09/2015Viktor D, 34 years old. Full treatment.1 170 772.00paid
11/09/2015Valeriy K, 42 years old. Full treatment.1 179 363.00paid
30/07/2015Vitaliy G., 37 years old. Full treatment.1 1 333 326.00paid
28/07/2015Svyatoslav G., 46 years old. Full treatment.1 585 079.00paid
20/07/2015Roman B., 44 years old. Full treatment.1 344 613.00paid
19/06/2015Oleh B., 47 years old. Full treatment.1 488 167.00paid
18/06/2015Oleksandr P., 25 years old. Full treatment. 1 435 364.00paid
14/06/2015Andriy S., 40 years old. Full treatment.1 231 421.00paid
08/06/2015Evhen G., 25 years old. Full treatment.1 194 818.00paid
20/05/2015Ivan S., 32 years old. Full treatment.1 349 051.00paid
23/04/2015Oleg S., 23 years old. Full treatment.1 552 906.00paid
03/03/2015Money raised via PayPal. Transferred to Individual First Aid Kit-- 130 165.16paid
25/02/2015Vasyl Z., 38 years old. Full treatment.1 321 987.00paid
14/01/2015Volodymyr D., 19 years old. Full treatment.1 141 966.00paid
14/01/2015Sergiy V., 38 years old. Full treatment.1 186 199.00paid
10/12/2014Andriy B., 23 years old. Full treatment.1 289 677.00paid
25/11/2014Oleksandr B., 36 years old. I and II stages of treatment1 85 995.00paid
14/11/2014Mykhailo M., 21 years old. Full treatment.1 201 698.00paid
14/11/2014Oleh T., 24 years old. Full treatment.1 94 004.00paid
14/11/2014Roman Z., 36 years old. Full treatment.1 381 501.00paid
24/10/2014Sergiy S, 26 years old. Full treatment1 147 024.00paid
24/10/2014Victor D., 36 years old. Full treatment1 219 286.00paid
13/10/2014Yuriy S., 28 years old. Full treatment (including rehabilitation). 1 421 269.00paid
Разом: 29 792 252.66 грн